From The High Trees

Over the past year, we have sent seven 20’ containers to the Democratic Republic of Congo. In a span of only three years, we’ve shipped 32 containers to that country. How much material can fit in a 20’ container? A lot! The last container we sent was carrying about 30,000 pounds and had about 350,000 Message books and tracts. Where do all these books, CDs, and players go to? Today, there are about a million people in the Congo that believe Brother Branham’s Message.

The shipments go to our main office in Kinshasa, where they are distributed everywhere from the Pygmies in the equatorial jungle, to the inner city churches in downtown Kinshasa. It means a lot to our friends in Congo that there are people around the world who care enough to send them the prophet’s Message.

Here is how one pastor in Kasumbalesa (southern Congo) is using these sermons that we send him.


I have never gone to school to learn English, being a French speaker, but just by listening to the tapes of the Prophet William Marrion Branham, I can now preach in English and interpret English preachers. I also do play the tapes for my people every morning (6:00-7:00) from the high trees by using loudspeakers, and they can hear the Prophet preaching from four kilometers away.

And every Wednesday evening, I do play the tape for my church during the service that we named: “The Pastor Branham.”

Oh, how It quickens the souls of the Elected! The Tape Ministry is really blessing our lives. We can even feel that Brother Branham is himself preaching to us and discerning our problems.

May God richly bless the Voice Of God Recordings for the tapes, the books, the MP3, and all you send.

Pastor Ben

DR Congo