To Be A Mother

We are newlyweds and couldn’t wait to start our family, and we found out that I was expecting. It seemed like everything was perfect. Then just a few short weeks later, we lost the baby. It felt like such a drastic turn from where we were just a month before, and at the time, I just couldn’t understand why this had happened. We prayed and sought the Lord for peace and he gave it to us through a quote:

I said, “Well, I believe that the bible teaches that God knew that baby, millions of years ago, before the foundation of the world.” I said, “God told Jeremiah, ‘Before you was ever conceived in your mother’s womb, before you ever was come forth from the belly, I knew you, sanctified you, and ordained you a prophet to the nations.’ I said, “That’s how much He knew about it, see.”

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We just knew after reading that, our baby was safe in Heaven waiting for us and we would see him again soon. A few months passed and the desire to have a baby was growing stronger every day. I prayed for patience and that the Lord would have His perfect will, but it wasn’t always easy. There were so many nights I cried myself to sleep in my husband’s arms because the pain was too great for me in my weakness to bear. But thank the Lord we have a place of refuge in this Word.

After several months I went to see my doctors because I felt something just wasn’t right. After several visits and lots of tests, I went to see my doctor on a Wednesday when she told me she had determined that I couldn’t have a baby on my own. That day in the office they also performed a routine pregnancy test and it was negative. She didn’t call me infertile just yet, but said I would have to take medicine if I ever wanted to have a baby. They thought I was going into early menopause at only 21 years old. This news completely devastated me. I couldn’t bear the thought of never being a mother. Never nurturing and raising a child for the Lord. Never having all the sweet little blessings children bring into your life. I just couldn’t wrap my mind around that. That feeling I had in that office that day felt like the lowest point in my life. I just couldn’t understand. We had lost a child and now they were telling me I couldn’t have any more? But the Lord had everything in control.

She went ahead and gave me the medicine but I told her I didn’t know if I was going to take it, and I would pray about it with my husband. Something just wasn’t settling right with us about that medicine. We prayed and decided not to take it. We felt the Lord had something in store for us, and we just needed to be patient and wait on Him.

The next Sunday in church, we listened to “We Would See Jesus.” It felt like the whole service, the Lord trying to tell me something. Brother Branham kept talking about how we were the seed of Abraham and heirs to the kingdom, and how everything was right within our reach if we would just accept it. I felt my heart starting to catch fire. At the end of the tape Brother Branham was praying for the people and he said this:

Do you believe with all your heart? Stand up on your feet, anybody that wants to be healed. Stand up on your feet, and believe it. Rise up! I don't care what's wrong with you, how crippled you are. That doesn't make any difference. I'm challenging you, stand up! Rise up, everybody, every cripple, wherever you are. In the Name of Jesus Christ, stand on your feet and be made well! There you are, the whole audience, standing.

Now let us raise our hands to God. Heavenly Father, Sir, we would see Jesus. Here You are! Not a feeble one among us, every one healed. How we thank You, Father! Now we pray, God, that You'll defeat the Devil in every instant now, cast out all the unbelief.

Satan, in Jesus' Name, leave this audience, come out of here! You've lost the battle. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may they be healed, every one of them.

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I just felt in my heart, “That’s it!” I didn’t have to settle for this diagnosis, I just needed to believe! I stood up and prayed, “Lord if it’s Your perfect will for me to have a baby, I believe I am pregnant.” I left church that day feeling like the battle was over. No matter how much the devil tried to tell me I didn’t receive anything, I just kept thinking back to what Brother Branham had said and believing with all I had in me.

The next day I took the test and I was pregnant! The doctors couldn’t believe it that I was in there just a week after telling me there was no possibility of me having a baby for confirmation of pregnancy appointment! The Lord is so good to us! We only need reach out and take what is ours! He always has it ready for us in His perfect time.

I thank the Lord everyday He gave me such a blessing and I thank God he gave me the boost in faith I needed to accept it. Everything about the pregnancy has been just perfect. She is a strong little girl who is constantly amazing the doctors with each ultrasound as she is always bigger and more active than they expect! Lord willing, our little girl will be here this May with everything else beautiful that spring brings. God is so good! We pray this may bless and help the Bride of Christ in some way to take courage and trust in Him. Lord bless you all,

Sister Hope