In His Time

For our gospel came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.

I Thessalonians 1:5

We received this testimony from a sister who believed when she saw that the Gospel is not preached in word only, but in power and the Holy Ghost.

Seven years ago, at the age of 16, I met my husband. I had been raised in a Southern Baptist home, and he came from a family of believers that were blessed to know and love a true prophet. In the beginning, I was not open to accepting anything but what my parents had taught me to be the truth. Thankfully, my mother-in-law is steadfast and patient, and knew the Lord would reveal himself in His time.

My father had been seriously injured in an accident in 2003, leaving him with a shattered lower jaw among many other injuries. After years of weekly doctor visits, several operations and skin grafts, he was left with a hole the size of a walnut on the side of his face, under his jawbone, where his body was rejecting the steel plate and bracket they used to reconstruct his entire lower jaw.

The doctors told my father that there was nothing else they could do, and that he was going to have to live with this open hole in his face for the rest of his life, constantly changing the dressing and hoping that he can ward off any infection.

Seeing that I was troubled by this, Brenda (my future mother-in-law) came to me and began to witness. She told me of the healings, and gave me a book on Brother Branham's life. She also gave me a prayer cloth, told me to pin it on my father's pillow, and pray for a healing in Jesus' Name.

I did so, with an open heart, and the Lord showed Himself to me. Amen! He healed my father's face, finally closing the hole, and baffling all of his doctors after they told him the tissue was dead and would NEVER grow back.

I am thankful for the path that brought me to my husband and his family. I have peace in my heart and mind that my family and I know Jesus through a prophet in this dying world.

Sister Jamie, Georgia