God bless you, family in Christ. I would just like to share a testimony on the power and grace of Jesus Christ in my life.
Since I was born, I have heard the Message preached but still my carnality longed to participate in the things of this world. I was young when I accepted Jesus Christ in my life, but before I did I was in a grievously sinful condition. Since the day I gave my heart to the Lord two years ago, I have experienced ups and downs, trials and tears. One thing I can say is that the Lord has been faithful to carry me through and console me through it all.
A few months ago, I found myself in a condition where I was becoming religious rather than spiritual and doing things that my mind, or rather Satan through my thoughts, was convincing me were okay but are in fact contrary to the Message for this age. When I realized, I felt ashamed and utterly disappointed in myself, almost at the point of doubting the miracle God did in me in the first place when I gave Him my heart and He changed my sinful ways right away altogether.
On my 18th birthday, I received a book from Jeffersonville that I ordered. It was As The Eagle Stirreth Her Nest. When I got it in the mail, I was in tears because I felt like whatever was written inside would speak straight to the depths of my soul and with it, God would carry me out of this ditch I had dug for myself. I read the whole thing that night under a dim light in my bedroom after everyone else had gone to sleep.
There in my room, just me and Christ, He spoke to me and told me through Brother Branham's words written in that book, God's own words, how there would be difficult moments, at times I would feel confused being an eagle amongst these chickens, but someday He will carry me away on His wings, away to my home in Glory! I knew it could not be possible for me to want the Holy Spirit as bad as I did and for God to turn me away.
I played a CD I had made that day, all very spiritual songs as opposed to the "Christian" songs that sounded just like worldly music that I had started listening to. So, there I was getting in the Spirit and praying to God that He give me His Holy Spirit and confirm to me that I have indeed received something from Him.
I was there for hours, praying and praying until I could be sure God had come down and given me what I was lacking.
As I was praying I played the CD to create the atmosphere around me. I was there on my knees for hours crying out to the Lord, so I heard the whole CD all the way through several times, it has a total of 13 songs. I was a bit disappointed when it got to the 9th song on the CD which was just the instrumental without any voice singing lyrics. I had accidentally downloaded the instrumental instead of the full song with the artist's voice singing when I made the CD on my computer, but I simply ignored the error and continued on praying to the Lord in desperation.
Eventually, I felt God's presence stronger than I had felt it ever before, as if God was sitting down on the floor right next to me! My eyes were a fountain of tears, and I felt my heart on fire. God was depositing Himself inside of me. Still in the Spirit, almost drunk, I went to the bathroom to grab some tissue, and as the first song of the CD was finishing, the second one began and it was the song that didn't have lyrics, and I knew something supernatural had to be responsible because it was originally the 9th song on the CD but it played as the 2nd, with lyrics and all! I was stricken with fear and astonishment, but then I just burst out in sobs, raised my hands, and recognized what a mighty God I serve! I froze with astonishment and gave glory to God! I said, "Surely, God, You are here and You ARE with me!"
The song says, "Soy valiente y esforsada y no me canso para nada. Yo a mi deracha y a mi izquierda mis ojos tengo en la meta Jesus," which means, "I am brave and strong and I do not get tired at all. To my right and to my left, my eyes are set on my goal which is Jesus."
I thought that surely this wasn't a coincidence, God gave me a refill of strength and courage and refocused my eyes on the goal which is to be like Jesus Christ! He is a God of His word, faithful to every last one of His promises! He doesn't leave a single stone halfway cut, and He is still cutting me into perfection!
Praise God! I hope this was a blessing to someone.
Sister Danielle