God Speaks

We received this testimony from a sister in Trinidad.

God bless you my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. This is a little testimony that shows me that God is ever mindful of His children that have been faithful in serving Him.

I got up and was pondering on the goodness of the Lord towards my life on the night before, how the Spirit of the Lord was moving in myself and another believer the same way. I was rejoicing in my own simple little way in my bedroom, praising God with tears in my eyes and was so overwhelmed with the sweetness of the blessed Holy Spirit.

As I sat on my bed, a little voice inside of me said, “I'm sending my servant to anoint you with oil.” As I sat there on my bed, the tears flowing down my face, again that little voice said, “Open your Bible.” And as I opened my Bible, my eyes fell on two scriptures, one after the next: Ps 92:10, “But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.” My heart wept before the Lord, and right on the next page my eyes read Ps 89:20, “I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him:” About the hour of 11AM, our doorbell rang, and as I looked out our door, there was a dear brother coming in our home.

As he greeted me, my mom, and brother, he remained for a while talking about the Lord. We offered him lunch and as he was leaving, he turned to me and said, “I have come to pray for you.” And out of his pocket came a little vial of anointing oil.

After praying, I told him what had transpired before, and he broke down in tears as well and we were all praising God.

I know the God that I was dedicated to as a little baby in this Message is real and has always been so mindful of me. I want to publicly tell the world that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and I will never stop loving Him and serving Him even if He sends me to hell, I will still praise Him there.

God bless.

Sister Crystal
