
Brother Branham said, “What you read, what you do, molds your character. It--it tells what you are.” It’s easy to fall into the trap of wasting time with reading or watching things that do nothing for our souls and our walk with the Lord Jesus. This sister, has a good perspective on what is worth her time, and what is not. We received this testimony as feedback from our article posted on May 15, titled “Stats.”

I just wanted to thank you for this post, especially the first two sentences. It is so true. I have become very disappointed in myself because here I have all the good news at my fingertips on branham.org but still I visit other websites more then this one! I find myself reading other articles and they would always make me feel so burdened down and sad after I read them and I couldn't understand why. They're just harmless articles, right?

I don't know why it never occurred to me, because those first two sentences make it so plain. I'm feeding my soul with all this negativity of the world, of course its going to weigh me down! The Lord has really been dealing with me over this for a while, and one day I was reading a book that had this Scripture in it: “above all else, Guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 (NIV). To me I felt like the Lord was saying, “All that you put in is what will come out of you” and it was a horrid thought because of what I put in daily, not near enough of the Word of God! And that’s what comes out?

And then I read this article and it has also helped put it into plainer terms for. That’s how the Lord does you know, He makes it so simple for you because He cares so much that He wants to make sure you fully understand!

I've been praying that the Lord will put in my heart a greater desire to listen to His prophet and to read his words of encouragement, and in literally just a few days I have felt the love grow in my heart for this Word.

I'm so thankful that He chose me! Thank you so much for all your effort towards HIS Bride!

“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”

Proverbs 4:23 (KJV)

Your sister in Christ.

United States