He Brought It Back

If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

John 14:14

We received this testimony from a sister who misplaced her Bible, then years later, the Lord brought it back to its rightful owner.

I would like to share with believers around the world how much and why I love the Lord. In 2009 I lost my Bible at a meeting where we were having services with believers from all over the country. I somehow felt I should never try to trace it. As the year ended and we came into 2010, I started thinking about buying a new one, yet I loved my lost Bible so much that I would pray to God always to bring it back.

I tried to buy one but the money just disappeared. I later realized that He was going to bring it back, but how? Then in 2011, one bright a call came on my dad's phone since I wrote his phone number on the Bible's cover. It was a taxi driver and the Bible was left on his car's seat, so he wanted the owner to come get it. My dad was given the directions of where he could be found in town. On the morrow, he went and collected it and he is not believer. When I got it I was happy, and much more was the whole family. I then looked for a cover written with the word LOVE all over it because He loves me and I love Him, and He is more than life to me.

God bless you all.

Sister Sharon