How The Candle Got Lit

When I was about seven years old, Jerry Amalong (VGR distributor for northwest Mexico), who was about 16 years old, came to my dad’s house. In his hand, he had a tape. He said, “I want you to listen to this.” I can still hear my dad saying, “This is what I have been searching for all my life!” I will never forget the voice that said “GOOD EVENING FRIENDS.”

That has been over forty years ago, but the messages of our brother, who opened up the Word for us, live on. I cannot go a day unless I can hear our prophet. I have a tapeworm. I have heard them all over and over, but that’s not enough because every time I hear something I missed before. Brother Branham always pointed us to Jesus. The truth is here, all you have to do is listen.

Brother Mark