And David said to Solomon his son, Be strong and of good courage, and do it: fear not, nor be dismayed: for the LORD God, even my God, will be with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee, until thou hast finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD.
And, behold, the courses of the priests and the Levites, even they shall be with thee for all the service of the house of God: and there shall be with thee for all manner of workmanship every willing skilful man, for any manner of service: also the princes and all the people will be wholly at thy commandment.
I Chronicles 28:20-21
“Who can build it?”
We had outgrown our facility at the Quartermaster Depot in downtown Jeffersonville, and besides that, the building was about to be sold at auction. Voice of God Recordings was at a crossroads. We might be able to expand a little and make it work, if the building sold at a low price. Or, if the price was too high, we could construct our own facility that would be built from the ground up with nothing but the Gospel in mind. The burning question was, “Who can build it?”
Just about the time the building sold at a price that far exceeded our expectations, a servant of God named Joe Mullen walked through the front door. Our question was answered.
For decades, the Lord had been teaching Brother Joe every aspect of construction, and preparing him for the work he was about to begin. Brother Joe oversaw almost every part of the construction of the VGR building, from blasting the limestone bedrock, to pouring the cement slab, all the way to heating and air conditioning, and even the type of paving for the driveway. God’s builder had done it all, and he put all his experience to work. It wasn’t long before the first tractor-trailer backed up to our new loading bay, and was filled with Spiritual Food bound for faraway lands.
It wasn’t Brother Joe’s extraordinary abilities that made him so special, it was his willingness to give every moment in service of God’s people. Before long we needed more offices, a warehouse, renovations, and a little while later, a place called Still Waters. From breaking ground to putting paint on the walls, God’s builder was there through it all. And his work was not limited to Voice Of God Recordings. He served for years as a faithful trustee at the Branham Tabernacle, overseeing all the renovations and construction at the church.
Yesterday afternoon, the Lord called His builder home. We will miss you Brother Joe. We’ll see you soon in that city whose Builder and Maker is God, where God shall wipe away all tears from our eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.