The Real Gift

The Lord always exceeds our expectations. This sister knew the Lord was about to do something very special for her. Was it a new house? A car? A job? No, it was something far greater than that.

I will like to share this testimony with the Bride of Jesus for the honor and glory of our Lord Jesus. Last year I was struggling with problems at my work place. I decided to call Voice of God Recordings and requested someone to pray for me… After prayer, we felt that God had something special for me.

Time passed, I was waiting, expecting in God, and I kept asking myself, would it be a house, as per I lost my house due to the economy, and I left it in God’s hands and forgot about it.

This year in February, I called again, requesting a prayer as per my daughter was having hard time having friends. One day I was taking her to the doctor because she had this terrible cough and spiking temperature. On the way to the doctor she said, “Mommy, I need to tell you something.” I said, “Yes?” She said, “I want to get baptized.” I looked at her, and I was shocked. I answered, “You are not doing this to please mommy are you?” Then she said, “No Mommy, I feel in my heart that God is telling me.”

She was baptized the following Sunday. It was cold water and she still was sick. I did not know if I should postpone the baptism. She sniffed during Sunday service, and coughed, but she still wanted to go to the waters. We went to the river; the water was cold.

We went to the second service, and she never spiked more fevers, no more cough, no more running nose, PRAISE GOD! Then later she was at the altar asking for the HOLY SPIRIT. Oh Lord, my eyes were opened. See, there was the gift that we were waiting for. See brothers and sisters, I would never change that for a house or material things because all that will perish. But I saw my little one surrender to God and asking for her birthright as God has promised, and I know that my brothers were praying for us.

I have no words to express my gratitude to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Your sister in Phoenix,
