The Trumpet!

The warriors of old heard the sound of the trumpet calling them to battle. It was familiar to them, and it gave them courage knowing that the Lord was with them against their enemies. Today, God’s army hears the Trumpet, and they also fearlessly march into battle. This sister listened closely and recognized her call. She boldly stepped forward and won the victory!

It has been two years since I received my healing of cancer and shared my testimony on VGR website, “Do You Fear Cancer?”, May 24, 2010, and ALL IS WELL. I have been released by my doctors as normal and on normal yearly checkups. My surgeon has moved my checkups from three months to every six months. I have two scars about 3” to 4” in length, which the doctors have commented they have healed amazingly and are barely visible now. I have feeling in my arm in which I was told I would never have since they had to cut a main nerve. I was told that I would have swelling in my arm as a side effect from removing lymph nodes. I have never once had swelling. When God heals, His way is perfect, there are no side effects! Prior to my surgery, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and was on a lot of medication. When I received my healing, all this left as well. He made me perfectly whole.

There have been so many things that the Lord has brought me through that I could write page after page. Every time I have an appointment, every time I need guidance or an answer, He would lead me to what I needed while listening to a tape, reading in the Scripture, or on the website’s “Quote Of The Day.” I will share this one with you which was just one of the most outstanding for me.

The surgeon wanted me to take radiation, and I was very uneasy about this. I had told the Lord I would follow His lead through all of this. I felt His leading for the surgery, and to see the doctors, but when it came to seeing this doctor, I was very uneasy about it. After meeting with two different oncologists, I went before the Lord and asked Him to show me what I needed to do, “for I know that You have already healed me.” Like Sister Rosela would say, “I knew it, I knew it, I knew it.”

I was listening to Brother Branham on the “Quote Of The Day” as I do every morning, and there it was:

When you said, "Mountain, be moved," and it still stands there, you say, "Well, it didn't happen?" Oh, it did happen. When you said, "Mountain, move," maybe one little significant grain of sand turned loose out of the hundreds of billions and billions of tons. One little grain moved, but it's begin to take place. Hold that faith and watch that mountain disappear. Certainly. Thou shall say in thy heart, "Disease, move from my child. Disease, move from my body in the Name of the Lord Jesus," and don't doubt. Right there the good germs take on a new armor and a new weapon, and the enemy begins to back up. He's defeated because Christ, in the drinking of His myrrh at Calvary, defeated the devil and every one of his powers.

57-1222, The Great Shining Light

There was my answer. He said, “Right there the good germs take on a new armor and a new weapon, and the enemy begins to back up.” He is all I need.

Just recently, I had overworked my hands and pulled some tendons. The enemy doesn’t give up, but we know Who is in control and the promises He gave us. I have “Thus Saith The Lord…It Is Written.” I was in a lot of pain. I was asleep one night with my headphones on and Brother Branham said, “Don't you dare to get up; you've already been healed.” I woke up, raised my hands praising and thanking the Lord for speaking to me. The next morning, I searched my MP3 but I could not find the message where he said this. I wanted to listen to it so bad and I just thought in my heart, “Lord, let me hear it again.” Just a night or two later, half asleep, I heard it again and I picked up my MP3 and the message that was playing was, 60-0612 Speak To This Rock. I listened and printed the quote. He had called all the people who wanted to be healed that had cancer, to stand to their feet. Just a paragraph before this he was speaking about a Mrs. Wells (the sister writing this testimony is named Wells). How wonderful to hear His voice say it this time, “you’ve already been healed.” A day or two later, The Quote Of The Day, I read:

Don't say, "Well, let's see if I feel any better, my heart any better, my hands..." Don't do that. You're delaying it. Commit it to the ground because it is a seed…

… the only thing we do is drink in the Word of God. And it pushes out salvation; it pushes out Divine healing; it pushes out glory; it pushes out everything that we have need of; is right in us when we're planted in Christ Jesus.

A few weeks later, I had a pain in my side that went down my leg. It had been going on awhile. My mind and heart kept going back to the message, “Be Certain Of God” (59-0125) and many, many others. I was praying and reading over these quotes that I just told you about, and I mentioned that He had spoken about a Mrs. Wells just before I heard the quote in my sleep. He was talking to a woman who was standing in for her daughter, Mrs. Wells, who was having stomach trouble. Praise the Lord, that’s it, that’s me! The Lord God Almighty has done it again! I believe that my mother, who is in Glory, somehow and at some time, stood in for me.

I just want to let the brother and sisters know that their testimonies that I have read here and on Young Foundations, have kept me pressing on and continually praying for you.

I just want to give God All The Glory! It is nothing about me; I just want to be pleasing to Him. If all that we must go through helps one soul to find Him, then it is worth it all. Oh how I love Him, how I adore Him.

God Bless You,

Sis. Anita Wells