Still Waters Camp #3

The first two camps have been a wonderful success. More than thirty young people were baptized, most rededicated their hearts to the Lord, and every camper went away with a renewed passion to serve the Lord Jesus.

Today marks opening day for the third Still Waters camp of 2012. We will be updating the stillwaterscamp.org website with new pictures and videos during every step of the camp, so we can all enjoy Still Waters, whether we are there or not. Along with our normal Quiet Time on Saturday morning at 7:00 Jeffersonville time, we have Quiet Times scheduled for the following times this week at camp if you would like to join us.

Monday, July 16: 7:30-8:30pm

Tuesday, July 17: 5:30-6:30pm

Thursday, July 19: 10:15-11:15am (each camper will be listening to 58-0720m By Faith Moses on an iPod).