Report From Cameroon

VGR has a distribution network of more than 50 overseas offices and hundreds of lending libraries. Each of these outposts sends in monthly reports that outline their needs, as well as giving an update on the general activities office and the wellbeing of the local believers. The following is one of the more interesting reports from a lending library in Western Cameroon.

[Describe image here] Voice Of God Recordings Library of Kumba Cameroon
Report of Activities: March to April 2012

Name & Address of Church or Individual Type of Material & Quantity Given Reason for Distribution
Sister Isabella,

Metta Quarter Church, Kumba Cameroon

8 assorted Message titles This Sister like many others want to know directly from the prophet what the Message says on all questions of the Christian life.
Brother Enoch,

University of Dschang, Dschang Cameroon

COD Volume I and II This student in the university attends church in the French part of the country, speaks English and wants to study the teachings of the prophet directly from the books
Brother Ernest,

Kumba Cameroon

22 assorted Message titles, 1 Hebrews book This brother is wrapped up in the study of the Message of the hour direct from the prophet.
Brother Josue,

Munyea, SWR Buea Cameroon

25 French and ENG assorted titles, 21 tracts, 20th Century Prophet, An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, FRN Revelation of the 7 Seals This brother, after spending 10 months reading and studying in the Library, collected material to return to his present resident town and is witnessing there now.
Sister Clara,

Last Hour Descipleship Ministries, Kumba Cameroon

8 assorted Message titles, The 11th Commandment, The Laodicean Church Age Sister Clara has just been set on fire for the Message and only the books can quench her large appetite.
Brother Kevin,

Last Hour Descipleship Ministries, Kumba Cameroon

6 assorted Message titles and a copy of the Book Brother Branham This young Brother’s zeal for the Message is unquenchable as himself said: “Even the devil can’t stop me from believing this man (the prophet) and the Message”

Following is a summary of the needs to replenish stocks:
  • Evangelism Tracts: FRN and English
  • French Books/MP3 CDs (FRN Books: Seven Church Ages, Seven Seals, and other WBEA Bound Books in FRN.)
  • Young Foundations and Children’s Material
  • The Table, Half Milers, Missionary CDs
  • Bibles (FRN & ENG) and other Special Books, eg: Brother Branham Biography, Pilgrim’s progress (Video and Book), Foxes’ Book of Martyrs, The Story of Jesus as recommended by the prophet (Video)
  • Follow up of The Light House Package used by churches and brethren.
  • The Light House Packages, MP3 Players, Solar Panels and DC inverters/battery.
Religious Persecution:
  • These problems are expressed here so that prayer can be offered on our behalf in this part of the world in order that we can continue to spread the Message without hindrance until such a time that it is all done.
  • Persecution here is in its religious form against the Message, and highly so because many of the popular denominations have flooded the town and invaded practically every bit of the atmosphere in every household through radio and television. Some attack the Message and the prophet as antichrist and go at length to convince the simple and keep them bound under their antichrist systems.
  • When Brother Noubo, who works in the Hospital took a few books to share with his colleagues at work, one such denominational Christian exclaimed against the books as antichrist material. However, he persisted and some took the books only for him to find them abandoned later. This is expected but the testimony is going out and believers are believing.
  • This type of persecution has placed Sister Mirabel whom we testified of her in the last report in a tense situation and she needs the joint prayers of each and every one for she still believes and the Lord has promised that she will come through with the persecution. I spoke to her to try to get her picture for the testimony but she was timid and only promised an answer later. Her former denomination has been using every means to try to bring her back to them. Our prayers are rising up to the throne of grace for her.
  • It is even in this type of circumstances that the Message is the more being spread amongst the denominational people and giving us the desperation required for the winning of souls and the spread of the Message around here; praise be to God for the opportunity. The prophet said: “And when we get right with God, when our hearts become pure and the Holy Spirit has taken Its place in our heart, it's the most glorious thing to have testing. The Bible tells us that our testings and trials are more precious to us than silver and gold of this world. So we are--should be thankful.”
  • In the face of these spiritual problems, we are looking forward for open doors for us to be able to organize more public programs for the quick spread of the Message through radio, missionary trips, and public exhibitions.
    Additional Information, Comments, and Personal Notes.
    What a Joy! To see what the books are doing in the lives of believers seeking for the truth is such a joy to behold. The following testimony is an example of such. To know that what a pastor could have taken years to accomplish, the Message books are doing that in just one night is a great blessing and great encouragement to this divine work of VGR as ordained by the Voice of God to this generation – William Marrion Branham. To hear young boys like Brother Kevin of Pastor Ivo Chango’s Church proclaim that even the devil cannot stop him from believing the prophet and the Message is a marvel only for the glory of God. The tape ministry is alive and absolutely essential for this quick work. We do not spare any opportunity to place the books in the hands of hungry souls. May the Lord prosper this great soul saving machine. Amen.
    So, This Message Was Here All This While? To Sister Clara who has searched for the truth from Pentecostal Church to Pentecostal Church, having belonged to at least three denominations, it was a great surprise for her to come face to face with the truth. “So, for all this time that I wasted in the denominations this truth was here?” she keeps asking. The deep in her finally answered to the deep of the Message when she finally walked into the church of Pastor Ivo Chango, attracted by the billboard of that church. She had seen the word “Discipleship” on the billboard and thought to herself, “This looks like one of my old assemblies; let me try once more and see…” When she came back about a month later, Pastor Ivo was teaching on the subject of “What is the Church?” during which time the Scriptures came to life before her eyes. She was convinced, concerned and took her baptism in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. When she told her lukewarm elder sister about it, she complained of her church, but was convinced when she told her that she wanted to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Her sister replied: “Oh, I was also baptized in that way by my former pastor.” When she finally took her baptism, she was challenged by the religious people around her including her mother, son-in-law, her daughter, and friends. They repeatedly told her that she had joined a cult; saying that these “new” churches are the false prophets. These, combined with a short illness, she began to doubt and decided to stay back at home. However, the deep call was still there and the Lord dealing with her. She then looked at the Scriptures which Pastor Ivo had pointed out to her and satisfied herself that these things were Scriptural and so they could not be antichrist. Later on her elder from the Full Gospel Church came along and she gave her testimony of why they no longer see her in their denomination. Then the elder engaged her in a lengthy discussion to try to disprove her new-found faith but finally gave up saying, “I have a headache,” and left her.

    On Thursday the 12th of April, after two months of doubts, a strong urge came upon her to visit the church of Pastor Ivo again. That same day, I felt strongly to visit the young church of Pastor Ivo and see how they are going along with the Message. Although I did not plan to say anything to the church that evening, the Lord had ordained events such that the pastor asked me to speak to the church. When Sister Clara saw me stand before the people, she was greatly surprised, and deeply sorry that she had been criticizing us in our neighborhood for our faith without knowing that we were holding what she was looking for. She shed tears and repented, and I spoke to her about the Message books and immediately she came for them. Seeing me testify of the prophet was enough confirmation to her that the Message was true and all her doubts went away. Only the Message books are now able to answer her numerous questions on issues of church order and a life of holiness. She spends whole nights reading the books and praying. She wants to redeem all the time she has wasted in the denominations.

    The Lord, by the books, has done more to her in a short while than what any man could do in the given time. When her elder sister and the mother, who have constantly told her to look for a partner for prostitution in order to contribute food in the house, spoke to her this time, she held her peace – something she could never do before, and they would quarrel and quarrel. Her desire to abandon their home in order to avoid quarrels was quenched the very first night she read the book, “Lean Not Unto Thy Own Understanding,” and prayed all that night. The Lord spoke to her heart and asked her to hold on and testify to her people first. From that day, a peace came upon her heart and the arguing spirit left her. She testifies: “When my sister insulted me this time and I kept quiet, I knew that something had happened to me.” She keeps testifying to her family and full of joy and wonder that this Message had been preached for such a long time, and is yet so unknown and still so rejected.

    The following are the pictures of Sister Clara in the VGR Kumba Library selecting titles for herself:
    The Lord bless you all at VGR. Amen
    Br. Isaiah Fonayzi Chah
    VGR, Kumba