Quiet Time

Now, we find that in those hours of real stress, that's usually when the Spirit of God moves in. He let the Hebrew children walk right into the fiery furnace, before He ever moved a hand. But when He moves, He moves.

65-1127e I Have Heard But Now I See

We receive testimony after testimony of how the Lord Jesus touches people during Quiet Time. Some are healed, some have their questions answered, some get deep revelations, but ALL receive a blessing during this special time with the Lord. Of course, we should have our Quiet Time every day, but it seems that there is something really special about the time of week when we are all praying and worshipping the Lord together.

We received this testimony from a brother in Trinidad who received his healing from depression which he had suffered with for more than 25 years.

I suffered with depression since 1986. I didn't even know that I was depressed until years later and if it's not addressed what would be the eventuality.

In 1995 I was diagnosed with severe stress by a doctor, which led to me having a nervous breakdown. Since then, life was never the same. It's like living in and out of hell, to say the least. But Jesus said, “I'll never leave you neither forsake you. I'll be with you always unto the end.” This is one of many Scriptures that have become personally vindicated to me. Also David said, “If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.”

Apart from the anxiety, panic, insomnia, extremely low level of energy, and so many other things of which I can't even remember, my immune system failed. My heart, lungs, and my intestines and other organs were under intense stress.

I don't have the words and terms to describe what I want to say. God knows. I still had to work and provide for my family, and study to preach the Word of God. It’s only God knows how He did it.

On May 5, 2012. I woke up just about after 6.00AM. So I thought I would pray, and in the quiet time hour, I would read while praying. After a while I began to feel so tired that I had to just quit praying and take a rest. So I lay on the same sofa, over which I leaned to pray.

As I began fall asleep, just between sleep and wake, I felt a power raise me up with such might. I said, “Lord, into your hands I commit my spirit.” Then I began to see and hear and feel as though it was volts of electricity, as though it was actually doing something in my chest area then moving up to my head and back, to my chest. When it was ended I felt like a rush of blood flow through my body, and I know I was healed from that very moment.

I got up from that chair, gave God praise. I felt like an eagle whose youth had been renewed. I felt as though a film has been removed from over my brain. I used to feel as though something was holding me back, I now feel free and my energy level is now right up. All praise to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Brother Ray,
