
The Loving Husband

I visited this family and the brother told me the testimony of his wife, who did not used to share the same passion for the Message as he did. The woman was seriously sick, in bed, and could not get up. Her husband started to play the Message of Brother Branham, against her will. But he was afraid that after he left, she would turn the device off. So he hung the tape recorder on the ceiling, knowing that she was too sick to climb up there. She had no other way, than just to hear it. After a while Brother Branham screamed to the top of his voice: “In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, just get up from your bed, God healed you!” And she was so surprised and frightened that she quickly stood up on her feet, and in that moment she was instantly healed.

After some time, her husband came back home. He was very much surprised that the house was already clean, and his wife being completely healed was doing some work in the house.

God bless you.

Brother Andre, Poland

Kentucky English

I once worked for a lady whose late husband had arthritis, and whenever the subject came up I'd always say, “arthur-it is.” I guess because I heard tapes where Brother Branham said it that way, so that seemed okay to me. Then I discovered the reason it bothered my employer was because her late husband's name was “Arthur!”

The more tapes we hear, the more “Kentucky-ish” we start sounding.

And real Message believers wear that as a badge of honor!

Sister Georgia, Arizona


You say, "Now, Brother Branham, we're sure that you're a soothsayer now." Just a loophole. I said, "Brother, any man that would put that kind of an intelligence in a grasshopper, he'd jump backwards."

Brother Branham

Malawi Tapeboy

Mine is a testimony that I went to bro John Katyale’s house, forced by my mum. But I met God there and my life has changed for the better. God is good.



My daughter, Sarah, likes to start the conversation by asking, “Do you like to read?” Regardless of what the answer is, she gives them a track. Usually when they see what it is, they say, “I'll read this!” She has handed out hundreds doing this. This week she asked a lady, “Do you read English or Spanish?” The young man with her said, “Spanish!” So she ran to the van and got “Spanish!” I have had to tell her to wait until we are out of sight to give me the high five!

Mom from Indiana


Don’t Worry

There is always something on this website that is encouraging. When reading one of the testimonies, it reminded me of something that happened with me. One day my necklace fell off. I looked around a little and prayed about it, then didn't worry too much about it. I found the charm in my room but not the necklace. Then I went to church and still not worrying too much. The Lord knew where it was. As my little nephew was leaving and I was about to tell him bye, he picked up my necklace and asked what it was. As Brother Branham said, don't get too tore up about it. “And I wonder if the Lord don't just let us get all tore up sometimes, where He can just mold us, and fashion us, and make us a little different, and bless us, and kiss us on the cheeks, and say, ‘My child, I'm right with you, and I'll give you just a little encouragement; go ahead.'"



Prayer: Wireless access to God with no roaming fees.


The Definition of a Message Believer:

Pentecostal by experience, Holiness by appearance, Full-Gospel by doctrine, Non-denominational at heart, Old Testament zeal, New Testament faith, loud and proud, shouting and praising, quiet and meek at Jesus' feet, Holy Ghost filled, predestinated and sealed, if the tapes ain't spinnin, you ain't winnin, VGR supporter and always listening for that VOICE to call us up!

Sister Lana

Only One Please!

Years ago Voice of God Recordings, at my request, sent me a parcel of tracts. I used to hand them out at the subway station entrance and people would take two or three at a time. Some days I would find them discarded as I walked down the street, and I would pick them up again and redistribute them. One day someone took five or six different tracts. When I went home, I found them discarded in a small pile by the door to my apartment building. It really disturbed me to see this discarded pile of tracts. I was so upset, I wrote to Brother Joseph Branham about it. Brother Joseph wrote back and advised me to give out only one tract per person. So, I immediately started doing that. The very first person to take a tract under my new orders was a really mean, tough biker. He was snorting his way over to me and grabbed the whole bunch of tracts I had in my hand. Oh, brother, this guy was twice my size, whiskers hanging out, and cussing, and I remembered what Brother Joseph said. I reached out and grabbed them all back and wrestled them out of his grip. I selected one from the bunch and gave it to him. He left somewhat disgruntled, but at least he had one. I took a deep breath and continued on, but at least I had enough tracts to go around.

A pressing brother

Toronto, Canada