Quiet Time

If you don’t know about global Quiet Time, we hope you will consider joining us this weekend. About a year ago, Brother Joseph felt it upon his heart to invite the Bride of Christ around the world to join together in a weekly worship of our Lord Jesus, similar to the Prayer Band that Brother Branham established decades ago. Since that time, we have received countless testimonies of how the Lord has done wonderful things during that very special hour of devotion every Saturday.

No wonder the Lord Jesus has been pouring out His blessings. Imagine, tens of thousands of believers around the world, all worshipping at the same time! If you would like to join us, Quiet Time begins at 7:00 AM, Jeffersonville time. The clock on the homepage of this website will calculate the corresponding time for your time zone.

We received this testimony from a brother in South Africa who received Word from the Lord during Quiet Time, that his wife would be healed.

My wife has been having so much pain in her head, back, knees, hip and other parts of her body since her youth.

One afternoon during my quiet time, I felt to sincerely and earnestly pray for her, and the Lord laid in my heart to listen to the tape, “A Deceived Church By The World 59-0628M.”

During the prayer line on that tape, I was constantly praying for my wife and I heard Brother Branham say, “Did you raise your hand that you didn't know me? You believe God can tell me what's in your heart, can speak to me just like He did the woman touched His garment? You believe He's a High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities? If God will reveal to me your conditions, will you believe me to be His prophet, believe that His Presence is here and that's why He permits it? You're praying for your wife. She's got a broken hip, dislocated hip. That's right. If it's right, raise up. All right, go find her well. Amen.”

In the morning, my wife didn’t know what happened until I told her of what the Lord had done, and since then she has been completely healed. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

May God richly bless VGR Ministry and the Bride of Jesus Christ all over the world.

With love,

Brother Jeff

South Africa