Ye Have Done It To Me

But you can't do anything too little but what Jesus will see it, no matter where it is, what it is; any little testimony or display of loyalty to Jesus. He knows the sparrow that falls into the street. He knows the very thoughts of the heart. The Bible said that--that He knew the sparrows that fell into the street. And we're so glad to know that, that every little thing that we do, Jesus sees us do it. And He knows the objective and the motive that we have in it, and He will reward us.

One time He said, "Verily, I say unto you, if you give as much as a cup of cold water to one of these, you shall in no wise lose your reward." The little things that we just forget... Don't forget, when you see a cripple on the street, poor, blind, and lame, or halt, instead of having an entertainment for somebody, help him. Jesus said, "I was sick and you didn't visit Me. I was in prison; you didn't visit Me. I was hungry and you didn't feed Me."

"When were we this a way? When did we see You?"

"Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these, you have done it unto Me." Oh, how we should thank our precious Lord Jesus.

60-0331 From That Time

For the past several days we have had a heat wave. At the same time, we recently bought a home and have been moving in, painting and unpacking.

The heat was really bad.

Then today, after my husband left for his work, our home air conditioning system went out. I fretted because the unit is seven years old and there is no warranty. By faith I went ahead and called the service company that installed the original unit. I called my husband because I had no idea how much it would cost, but I knew my body doesn't do well in the heat. They explained how much a service call would be and we had no idea what the parts might cost, or even if it could be repaired.

The Lord sent us a technician who was a young Christian, very sweet young boy. He was here over an hour and worked very hard trying to locate the problem. I wondered if he would find the problem as the temperature rose in our home. He noticed a drip from our attic coming down the inside AC unit that was oily, and said he better go up there. It was really hot in the attic and the young man never complained. He came back down and said, “Ma'am, I thought I knew what the problem was but I was wrong.” He said when his company installed the copper hose in the system in the attic, they crimped a hose too tight causing a split in it and it was now leaking freon. He said it was his company's fault and we would not be charged anything. After seven years! He then worked hard for another four hours to put in new copper hosing and wrapping the system inside. By that time, my husband came in from work.

We are both still in amazement at what the Lord did for us today in helping us. And also the Christian character this young man showed. I will not forget the integrity this company has in dealing with their customers, and I will always remember this young man in prayer. But the greatest thing I could ever do is remembering the Lord and give Him praise. Our Lord Jesus came on the scene once again, as He always does. He never fails.

A sister from Charlestown, Indiana