Those Tapes

We received quite a bit of feedback from the article posted on July 23, titled “Those Tapes.” The following is a testimony from a brother in Trinidad who received some encouraging and personal words from Brother Branham.

What a marvelous testimony! “THOSE TAPES.” I am fully identified with this testimony, for I have had Brother Branham do the same to me, though it wasn’t along the line of healing.

There is something about this Message that is alive and present tense. This is no historical voice on those tapes. So many times I have seen this fact proven over and over.

There have been times where at church we would gather for communion service, and Brother Branham would be preaching, and right to the end of the service he would say, “Communion service tonight.” This would always bless us because we know that these things are not planned, at least not by us.

Not long ago, something happened which was outstanding to me, and I’d like to share it. It was on a Wednesday, a little past midday, I was at work when our pastor dropped by along with two visiting brethren. He told me that he and the two visiting brothers would be visiting another sister church tonight, so I would have to stand in for him at our night service.

That night, Brother Branham was preaching on “The Great and Mighty Conqueror” (57-0421s). Usually in the absence of the pastor, I would go up to the platform to close the service after Brother Branham concludes. As he was about to close, the very last words that he said was, “Shall we bow our heads while...Brother Smith dismiss us in prayer.”

I sat there amazed as I was now about to go up, and everyone in the congregation, realizing what was said, raised their voices in praise to God and applause, as we knew this was not planned. It just so happens that my name is Smith.

I felt as if Brother Branham was there physically in the pulpit calling me up to close in prayer. Needless to say, I did exactly what Brother Branham said: I went up and closed in prayer.

After the service, I was thinking about how many things had to be put in place for that to happen, as it is extremely rare that our pastor isn’t there for a mid-week service and he would always go up to dismiss the service. It just goes to show that this Message is more alive and up-to-date than sometimes we think. It reminded me of a statement that was made on a recent CTV Update, which said, “Now the messenger is embedded with the people, never to leave.” I love this Message. Keep on feeding on those tapes, calves of the stall! The Lord bless you all again.

Brother Kye Smith

Point Fortin, Trinidad, WI