Indeed, they are a group of soldiers belonging to the loyalist forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s government. They are the soldiers of a battalion of the 8th military region in the province Nord-Kivu.
The people of the group we visited are from the 2nd military company of this battalion, who presently are deployed in the Rusayo village, territory of Nyiragongo, about 12 miles away from Goma. So, we had the privilege to visit them because two Majors of these troops are brothers in Christ who believe this Message of the hour and were baptized, and they live with their family here in the city of Goma. They are members of churches in the city.
Now, what motivated our visit to these deployed troops was our missionary services that we do every Tuesday to distribute tracts to prisoners, war refugees, hospitals etc. That day I felt inspired to go and visit the soldiers that are also a part of the group that need God for their salvation. We were on the battlefield as you may see on the pictures.
At our arrival there, when we announced that we are believers of the Message of the hour brought by the God’s prophet William Marrion Branham, we had a warm welcome from every soldier, as well as their chiefs, and everyone stopped what they were doing and came to listen us preaching the Message of the hour. After a short sermon of 20 minutes by Pastor Kubuya Emmanuel, they all immediately started to present their prayer requests. Three soldiers repented and asked to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ.
After the preaching, the brothers and sisters participated in the distribution of booklets and tracts to the soldiers who were very happy. They even rushed to take books with a great joy, which once more brought a great revival in the camp. Most of them had requested Swahili and French books and a few wanted Lingala books.
It was very hard to leave; they all wished that we could stay together forever listening to God’s Word.
Here are the quantities of booklets that were distributed:
•French booklets: 115 copies
•Swahili booklets: 187 copies
•Lingala booklets: 50 copies
•Tracts: 285 copies
After our wonderful time of fellowship, they requested for family pictures to be taken, as you may notice on the pictures. Then, their Majors came with us to the place where we were taking our vehicle to go back to Goma.
May God bless you all who pray for the missionaries.
Kubuya Emmanuel
VGR, Goma