Letters From Prisoners

We send thousands of letters and packages every month to inmates around the United States. For some, they hear about the Message for the first time while in prison. For others, prison is a wakeup call that they need to get back to the Lord. Still others have concerned friends and family requesting that we send them books. Every letter sent from the inmates to VGR is answered and every request for Message books is filled. Last week alone, we sent 1,152 items to inmates in the United States.

Here are a few excerpts of letters from prisoners.

I believe with all my heart that Brother Branham is the prophet of this last age. I am wanting to learn more from him so that I can go home and minister the Word for my savior Jesus Christ.


Thank you for remembering us that are in bonds and deprived of our liberty.


I am here enjoying the messages of Brother Branham which are making a large impact on my life. I am finding things in the Bible that I never knew about.


Thank you for sending me the holy books of Brother Branham. I am marveled at the teachings that God has given him and also thankful that God has let me find out about these things. Many of the doubts I had about the relationship of God and his people I am finding out by way of Brother Branham's teachings.


I want to tell you a little about my life history. I served the Lord for about 3-4 years and was a deacon at the church in Cuidad Juarez. At first everything was fine until I started to have problems with my wife who was Catholic. The devil worked on this area until he got me away from walking with the Lord. I began to traffic drugs until I was arrested and sent to prison for five years. My Christian mother and sister told me to get away from that life as it would in the end bring me death and the same for my family. I did not listen to them and returned to my old ways.

In 2009 they began to fight and there were many killings. They went to my house. I was not there, so they took my two 21-year-old twin boys and my 31-year-old younger brother. The cartel took them and dumped their bodies on the street close to where I lived. I crossed over to the USA where I was apprehended again and sent to prison for 48 months. Here, I am told that there is a man that can change my life. I asked that you send me this books that I am told will touch my heart and change my life. Pray for me so that I can come out of this darkness. I love you in the love of Christ.


I was baptized according to Acts 2:38 11 years ago, went astray very wrongly and that is why I am in this prison. During all this time I have not stopped thinking about the Lord, nor have I denied Him but honestly I had never read the type of teachings that I am reading now with these books from Brother Branham. I have been here 21 months and I have never found anything that discerns the heart so deeply like his preaching’s. This can only be by way of the Holy Spirit working through a man that truly cares about the flock of God.

I am interested in obtaining more of your books so that I can learn more and not be deceived by false doctrines. Please help me by sending me some books as I am very hungry for more of this and I will be deported in two months to Mexico.


May God bless you greatly and give you a great reward. I am here enjoying the Messages of Brother Branham which are making a large impact on my life. I am finding things in the Bible that I never knew about.


Your books are a treasure to me and after I read them I am sending them to my daughters so they too might learn from them and not walk in darkness. I am thankful to God to have arrived to this spiritual rest that has opened my eyes. I now walk daily with the Lord and my desire is to live a life pleasing to Him.


I have learned that this Message brings light. There are no shadows, you cannot find a little dark corner and just hide there, you have to take the whole thing. Then you are exposed in the light for what you are and everyone knows it. This Message is not for the weak, you have to be strong in the faith. I thank God for bringing me to this place.


When I came here I was introduced to Brother Branham. First I found him very interesting and read more. Now I can’t go through a day without his Message. It is truly food to my soul.


Thank you so much for sending the material to the prison for my new brother. I am so excited. It took him a little while to get to it with all the other materials that others sent him. I am not sure what else you sent, but he started on the Church Age book. He is learning things he always wondered about and can't seem to thank me enough for helping to open his eyes. VOG - What a blessing you are to all of God's children.


I first want to tell you that I am in a Federal Prison but thanks to God I found a brother here by the name of Jose who began to tell me about the Message. At first it sounded strange to me but now I have seen how it fits right in with the Bible and I have learned things that I have never knew existed or could have imagined, praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ. I have read your 7 Seals book, 7 Church ages, Adoption, Why Little Bethlehem, and Possessing All Things. I soon will be released from this prison and I want to take this Message to my family and all those who will hear me. I am convinced that Brother Branham is a man sent from God.


I have been reading your books and I am being able to understand the many things that are in the Bible. I am a young man and I have my whole life ahead of me. At this point I want to set my life in order and serve the Lord well the rest of my life. I have a great desire to do this.