
We received this testimony from a sister who took God at His Word. She had it on her heart to go to church, but the enemy attacked her with back pain. As you will read, her faith overcame.

I would like to share this testimony of how God looks over us, His children, and loves us and cares for us. This message is alive, without a shadow of a doubt.

Last Wednesday, whilst getting ready for church, I felt like my lower back slipped out of place and with that came unbearable pain. Everything was painful: breathing, inhaling, walking, just about everything. However that was not going to stop me from going to fellowship.

I laid my hand on my waist and prayed asking the Lord to deliver me. I couldn't even bend to put my things in the car and getting into the car to drive was with excruciating pain but I was determined that Satan wouldn't get the victory. I had to go to church.

I had an hour drive in pain and when I got there, to get out the car was another great effort. Sitting down in church was really uncomfortable but the determination was still there. The sermon we listened to that evening was, “The Greatest News Flash In History.” During the prayer for the sick, I was praying and hoping that Brother Branham would call out my case. I waited in anticipation but no call. However, almost at the end while everyone was shouting and praising God, Brother Branham shouted at the top of his voice “your back pain is healed!” I lifted my hand and praised God for my healing. I felt a bit better instantly, but during the night the pain got worse.

I pondered on the prophet's words: when you are healed you would get worse for about three days but continue to believe, don't doubt. I said, “Lord You created me and You could create a new body for me. You can take all the bad parts out and put new ones in.”

I got up and prepared for work the next morning in pain, claiming my healing. On my way to work whilst listening the sermon in my car, “Expectation.” At the end of the prayer line Brother Branham again said, “lady your back pain is healed.” This was the confirmation, so comforting.

I got to work and couldn't even sit in my chair. My boss encouraged me to call a chiropractor, which I did, and made an appointment. Well, the Lord reminded me that He pronounced my healing, so I called the chiropractor and canceled. I continued to believe that I would be well even though the pain got worse, especially at night. Actually, I never experienced this severe pain in all my life.

But praise be to God, by Friday I began to feel better and by Sunday, when I got back from church, I was perfectly normal until now.

I just want to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for healing me and taking care of me during this period. Praise His Holy Name. “All things are possible to them that believe.” AMEN!!

Sister Sonia
