
We all loved to read and hear testimonies. Most of the time, we can put ourselves right into that person’s shoes and know what they went through. Here are a few short testimonies that we hope you will find encouraging.

Received as feedback from the article posted on July 18, 2012, titled “Testimony.”

This is true, I also was sick of stomach cancer. I was sent to an oncology center for treatment but nothing happened. Instead it became worse until they sent me to another hospital where I remembered the book I got from my old friend, where Brother Branham healed people suffering with cancer. Then I decided to leave that treatment and take the Word of the prophecy. Now I am healed. This happened in 2007, and I left treatment this year January 2012. The book that I always keep with me is that one, “WHY CRY SPEAK!” So this Message is perfect, that is all I can say.

South Africa

Taking God At His Word

Just about three months ago, I was desperately praying and crying for the Lord Jesus Christ to deliver me from my bondage of sin, and Praise His Holy Name! HE DID! I am free! Hallelujah! Since then, I am a new creature in Christ! No more cigarettes, no more alcohol, no more marijuana, and no more anything of this world! My son had something bothering his throat, and I asked him if he believed that Jesus would heal him? He said yes. So I laid my hands on him and prayed for him in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and a few minutes later he spit a ball of something in the toilet that sank to the bottom of the bowl. Praise the Lord! His throat was healed and he hasn't had any problem with his allergies since. Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Blessed be the Name of the Lord!


The Prayer Of Faith Shall Save The Sick

I want to thank the Lord for the healing of my back pain. I have felt this back pain since I was a child which was caused by dextroscoliosis, a result of my x-ray test more than two years ago. I was prayed over by my friend who is also a believer. I have faith in my heart since that day that God would finally heal me. Then after a few days, I never felt the same pain again. Truly the Lord is our great healer! To Him be all the glory.


Put God First

Not long ago, it was at night before sleep. I've notice that it’s been a while that I didn't take a time with the Lord to listen to His Message. So as I was talking to my brother that night, and I told him that in the morning when I will wake up, I will sure spend a moment to pray and to listen to the Message of God. Well by saying that, I didn't know that God heard me, and the devil too. So the next day, as I woke up, the devil did everything to get me into distraction. I did other things, I ate, I talked to my sisters, and then I went using the computer. I almost spend two hours using the computer, but I didn't do the main the thing. So as I was still using the computer, I heard a voice talking beside my ears saying, “What are you doing? It is not what you said.” I went immediately on my knees and asked God to forgive me, for I forgot to listen to the Message and for I didn't put His Word first. But I also gave him thanks for He corrected me. From then, I took the Message and started listening. I was really blessed. It’s the reason why I thank the Lord because I could spend almost all my day without listening to His Word, but by His grace, He kept me from doing that. May his Name be glorified.

Your brother in Christ.


Quiet Time

I am so privileged to be on my third quiet time. It is really a great blessing for my family. …I have been able to invite some fellow believers in three different countries in Africa to join with us. It's such a great atmosphere to join together in prayer despite long distances between continents. I wish I had joined quiet time way back in September 2011. May the Lord Jesus Christ grant us courage and strength to continue in prayer as many battles are being won while we are on our knees. May this short comment be a blessing to you all in Jeffersonville. Your brother in Christ.
