The Good Samaritan

You never know who will accept God’s Truth for this day. We just cast the Gospel net and the Lord fills it with His fish. When Jesus was here, the religious organizations passed it up, but poor fishermen, farmers, and even a tax collector accepted it.

This young man was especially touched by the article titled, “The Good Samaritan,” posted on Aug 17. It brought back memories of how the Lord Jesus did a special work in his own life.

Amen! I would like to share a similar story. I had just got off work and I was preparing for service, but I was hungry. I had my Bible and my songbook under my arm, and I entered the store to buy beef jerky. I saw a man with tattoos and piercings; rough looking man.

Well, the cashier said it would be a dollar to charge you for using your debit card. I said that's fine. The same man that had tattoos and piercings told the cashier not to charge me; he would pay for it. I was so happy and I trust and believe our Lord Jesus will bless that man!

I once had piercings. I was foul mouthed. I hung out with gangsters in the world. I came from statistically one of the worse cities in America. Who would have thought God would have got a hold of me, save me, give me a revelation of this Message, and fill me with the Holy Ghost! Grace, grace! Oh my, our Lord Jesus is so good and I LOVE HIM!

Brother Solomon