Return The Glory

They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Mark 16:18

We received this testimony from a brother in England who would like to return the glory to the Lord for two very special blessings.

Our God is never late.

My wife and I were informed by a gynecology consultant in Mayday Hospital, London, after several years of medical testing that we would not have children of our own.

At this point, I submitted a prayer request to the Voice of God and today, after five years of barrenness, our good Lord has blessed us with two lovely daughters, namely Jemima and Thirza, who are four and three years old respectively.

Surely, our God is never late as we return all the glory to HIM.

Thank you brethren for your prayers.

Brother Unbong
