Lay Hands On The Sick

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Mark 16:17-18

Greetings Saints, in the Name of the Lord!

I have been teaching in public high school here in Georgia for several years and the Lord has allowed me to experience many tremendous things. One of those things just happened this last week.

A student of mine was hit in the face with a softball, and she had serious swelling and bruising in her cheek from the trauma. After a week or so, she told me that she had gone to the doctor and they had diagnosed her with cancer. Just as Brother Branham has said on tape that cancer comes from a bruised cell, that's exactly what happened to her.

As she was telling me about her diagnosis, I thought, “I should pray with her.” Sadly, the dictates of this country won't allow me to do that. However, the Lord brought the Scripture to my mind. We don't have to pray for the sick; It says, “lay your hands on the sick.” So I held her arms in my hands the whole time she was telling me about her doctor's visit and the surgery she'd have to have. I told her that God was able to do ALL things and there was nothing that she needed to fear, just believe that He is able. I put in a prayer request at church and had the church praying also.

Her surgery was scheduled for Monday, the 12th and she came to school the next day.

She waited after class and started telling me about her surgery. She had gone into the doctor's and, as he felt the lump in her cheek, he said, “I'm glad you've come in today because it's gotten bigger.” He left the room to do a CAT scan on her head and came in with the results and said, “Let me check it again.” So he felt her cheek and said that the pictures were consistent with what he felt.

My student was scared and she said she prayed the whole time for God to not let her have to have the surgery. The doctor went out and got the tools ready, came back in, and said again, “Let me check it one more time.”

This time, when he felt her cheek, he looked at her strangely and said, “You don't need surgery. The lump is gone.”

Brothers and sisters, our God is God!!! If God will do that for my student who doesn't know the Message, how much more will He do for us, His children who believe Malachi 4?

My student is so happy and rejoicing in the Lord and it’s such an honor and privilege to see God prove Himself alive and honor that young lady’s faith. Blessings to the Bride universal and to the saints working at the Voice of God to get this Message to the Elected Lady.

Most sincerely and in love,

Sister Rachel

Georgia, USA