Signs - Miracles - Wonders

The following was originally published in the August, 1951 edition of Voice Of Healing Magazine.


August 1951


As I was sitting in a healing service during the Branham Healing Campaign in Kansas City, Kansas, in September, 1950, Brother Branham pointed me out to the audience and said that I had cancer. He also said, “If you will believe, you will be healed.” I knew I was in ill health because I had been very weak and was losing weight constantly. But I had no idea I had cancer. When he told me that I was healed, I accepted it with all my heart. I instantly experienced a strange choking which began in my throat and passed down into my abdomen. My stomach became rigid and bloated. After a few minutes the sensation gradually passed away. A great restfulness came over my entire body and I knew I was healed.

Mrs. Grace Boyd

Kansas City, Kansas

Note from pastor: Since Mrs. Grace Boyd is a member of my Church; I have had ample opportunity to observe her case and do attest, that her testimony is true and accurate.

Rev. U. S. Grant

Full Gospel Tabernacle

Kansas City, Kansas


I want to praise the Lord for healing me. The doctor told me I had incurable sugar diabetes and would have to take insulin the rest of my life. But when Brother Branham, Brother Lindsay, and Brother Hall were here in San Bernardino holding healing meetings in their big tent, I went through the prayer line, and was prayed for and was healed. I don’t take insulin any more and can eat anything that I want. I am 71 years old and can truly testify to the healing power of God.

Adelbert Bechtel

San Bernardino, California


For quite some time, something had been wrong with my back, and for the last four or five months, I could not even bend over and straighten up without supporting my back with my hand. My ability to do my work had become very limited.

I attended the Branham healing campaign at Grants Pass, Oregon in May 1951. As I sat in the meetings, and saw how the diseases of others were discerned and delivered, I knew it was real, but felt that I had done so little for the Lord that I was unworthy of healing. I could only pray for a little fellow in a wheel chair afflicted with polio. About that time, Brother Branham called out my prayer card number. As I almost reached Brother Branham, he said, “Don’t come through this line unless you are going to believe, for something worse could come upon you.” It frightened me for a second, but I refused to limit God’s power and as I was prayed for, I received my complete healing. I am now lifting, stooping, and doing all my work without pain.

Mrs. Ada Lunsford

Arcata, California