The Evidence Of The Resurrection

We received this testimony as feedback from the article posted on January 19, 2013, titled, The Evidence Of The Resurrection. Please note that the similar article posted on youngfoundations.org and this website was not planned.

Praise God for this testimony, for God has used it to give me a testimony also. My God has been so great to me. I just have to share with you what He has done this very moment.

I read this testimony and it was a blessing, as everything I read on VGR website is, but I did not at first realize the impact it could have for me. After reading this, I went immediately to YF website to see what was new there, as this is my daily routine. When I saw that there was a testimony there also about ears, it began to catch my attention. I was sitting at that very minute with my ears plugged, which is very common for me, but also very annoying. My ears stayed plugged most of the time, causing me to have trouble hearing and be very nervous for some reason. I would hear extra noises that would always make me think I was hearing things and I didn't always catch everything when someone was trying to talk to me. When my children would make high pitch noise, it would be magnified and cause pain in my ears.

I had been prayed for, at least a year or two ago, for God to heal my ears. I believe that He came today to answer that prayer. I felt God move in my heart that He had put these both here today, at the same time, to catch my attention.

I bowed my head and said to God that He is the same God, yesterday, today, and forever. I told Him that He had healed my body so many times before and if He had come to heal my ears today, I believe Him. I put my fingers in both of my ears while I was praying and when I pulled them out, everything was clear. The pressure is gone and there is no extra noise in my ears to make me nervous.

It is very hard to explain how it was before and what a wonderful difference is there now. Praise God forever! He opened my ears! As the sister testified on YF, it is a feeling of freedom. And God came in such a simple, quiet way. I am so thankful to Him. And to you at VGR for your labor of love to me!

God bless you all,

A sister from Texas