I Was With Him

We received this testimony as feedback to the article posted Jan. 30, 2013. Very few of us today had the opportunity to see Brother Branham as he preached, but this believer didn’t need to.

Reading this article reminded me of a time in my life when I was forced to lie in bed for about 30 days. I felt like I was one of the most miserable people in the world physically; but looking back those days will forever be a treasure I will never forget.

I could hardly move or think, so the best thing I could do was listen to our prophet. I traveled with him for about two years of his life, from 1960-1962. In order to do this in 30 days, I attended about 5 meetings a day (listen to about 5 messages a day). I could tell when an audience didn’t believe and when they did, or if he could relax or not. I could feel the weariness that we hear in his voice sometimes when we turn on a message.

During these services I had many blessings and re-consecrated my life to the Lord. I remember listening to a very long series of services and thinking, “He needs to rest, I'm sure there will be a long time before he preaches again.” Nope, within a few days or a week he was already in another town holding some more services. (You would need to look at those years yourself to see what I mean.)

I began to truly realize this wasn’t just a summer or two of his life; this was his life until the Lord took him home! He gave up everything to bring us this Message! I was suffering from stomach trouble at the time and couldn't help but think of our prophet who also suffered some from that. I would think to myself, “How could he do it?” My heart would go out to Brother Branham when someone had criticized something about him or the meeting.

I will never forget how it felt to travel like that for a short 2 years, and just to think, I wasn't really doing it! Finally after 30 days in bed, I had gotten so low that not even a sip of water would stay down. I was at my lowest point. Then Jesus came.

In a moment I was instantly healed and raised up praising the Lord. That was exactly 9 years ago this week, and I just wanted to give this testimony in thanksgiving to Him for healing me by His Word.
