The Faithful Father

Our human minds cannot comprehend the greatness of God. There are 7 billion people in the world, yet the Lord knows every one. In fact, the Lord Jesus said that even the hairs of our heads are numbered. Yes, the Almighty is watching every one of us, whether we are a Message believer, denominational Christian, or even atheist.

This brother recalls a period in his life when he did not think there was a God. But when crisis hit and his life was lost, he saw that the Lord Jesus was faithfully watching.

Twenty years ago I was an atheist. Having been raised by Christian parents, I had no excuse for this except my own selfish pride.

As a professional caver (spelunker) I exposed myself to much danger exploring deep pits that required technical rope work. One day, while descending on a rope into a 140-foot deep pit, I became stuck on my gear, 40 feet up on the rope. Alone in the cave, I knew I would soon die. The most desperate prayer came to me. I no longer wanted to be an atheist. “Jesus, save me!” I cried. A voice boomed out in the darkness: “Start swinging on the rope,” was all it said.

In that moment, all fear, all dread, departed from me. There was peace, as I knew God had spoken to me. I swung, and came in contact with a projection on the side of the wall. I disengaged myself from the rope, still hanging on this projection, from which there was no physical escape. I waited on the Lord.

All of a sudden, I was standing on the surface of the cave, looking down at the entrance of the pit. God had miraculously levitated me out of that pit without my conscious knowledge. He knows how to get a hold of a son of God who’s running.

Soon after this, I gave my heart to the Lord and discovered this Message. It heartened me to hear Brother Branham say that not only should the supernatural be part of our lives, but that we are supernatural, being part of Him. Since then, the last 20 years have been an exciting adventure, believing this Message and seeing the supernatural hand of the Lord every day.

Brother Peter