Hebrews 13:8

Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Brother Branham claimed that Scripture countless times when praying for the sick. He showed us that Jesus is alive and working among His people. As believers, we can ask ourselves, “If Jesus healed the sick 50 years ago in Brother Branham’s meetings, then can He still heal today?” We all know the answer to that question.

This sister was listening to the Jubilee sermon, “Sirs, We Would See Jesus” when the same God that manifested Himself 50 years ago in that very same sermon, stepped on the scene again.

My name is Sister Germaine Kenzo. I reside in Manchester England, United Kingdom. I bless the Lord for the healing that took place in my life today. It has been 13 years that I have had a cyst on my right breast. I went many times to the hospital and I have been told by the doctors to wait for an operation.

While we were listening to the Jubilee message today, “Sirs, We Would See Jesus,” something supernatural took place while Brother Branham was discerning a case of a sister who had a tumor on her right breast. I put my hand on my right breast where the cyst was located. Suddenly the cyst that I had disappeared when the prophet started praying. JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY TODAY AND FOREVER.

The Angel of the Lord is camping wherever tapes are playing.

God bless you

Sister Germaine

Manchester, England