Jehovah-Jireh #2

It is Friday evening and once again, the service is being held at the 4-H Club barn in Louisville, Mississippi. Brother Branham begins with a recap of yesterday’s sermon, and moves through Genesis 11-13 and many other Scriptures.

What an ending to this service! We get built up with the Word, then the Holy Spirit pours out upon the people in a mighty way. We all have the opportunity to stand at God’s altar today, and although we may be separated by thousands of miles, we are looking forward to worshiping out Lord Jesus with you all as we join together to hear Jehovah-Jireh #2.

Here are a few highlights from today’s sermon.

Christianity is a Person, not a creed. "To know Him is Life." Not even know His Word; that isn't Life. "Know Him," and He is the Word.

All real Christians believe that the second Coming of Christ is near. How far away, we don't know.

God only meets people under the shed Blood, the only place He ever did or ever will. He'll never meet you with your creed. He'll never meet you with your education. He'll meet you under the Blood; that is the only place.

Now, Abraham, the promise was made to Abraham and his Seed after him. Not only Abraham, but his Seed. Now, now, the seed, natural seed of Abraham, was Isaac; but the spiritual Seed of Abraham's faith, was Christ. Not through Isaac, all the world was blessed; but through Christ, the Royal Seed, all the world was blessed, for He died for all people, all nations and all peoples.

To believe the Word, is to receive the Word and let It become Life.

I don't care how religious you are; unless you've received the Holy Ghost, you'll perish.

Don't you know, that, "All men shall speak evil of you, falsely, for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in Heaven, for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. And all that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecutions."

He made the promise; He stands behind it. He does, to believers.

But unbelievers receive nothing. It's not for them. They're dead, to begin with. They never was even represented. There is nothing in them. They're dead hulls. You don't want to be like that.

There is always three classes of people. That's, believers, unbelievers, and make-believers. They have them in every crowd. If you felt the pressure I did, you'd know they was right here tonight.

As God brought a nation out of a nation, in Egypt, He is bringing a Church out of a church, or a Bride out of a church; Church out of church. And the remnant of the woman's seed, that's what was left over, "there is weeping and howling and gnashing of teeth, 'cause they didn't have Oil in their lamps, Holy Spirit," always represented. There they are.

God won't honor a lie; you know that. You--you couldn't attach that to Him. He don't honor lies. He only honors His Word. But He promised, that, "My Word will not return to me void. It'll accomplish that which It was purposed for." And we see the Word that's lotted today. No matter how much unbelief rises in the camp, God will honor His Word when He find faith to honor It by.

You don't prove things. You believe God. See? You don't prove God, at all. You can't prove, to save your life, there's a God, just going out here and say, "Let me see Him." See, you got to believe Him.

The whole armor of God is supernatural. Love, joy, faith, long-suffering, patience, meekness, see, all supernatural. We look at things that you can't see with your natural eye.

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64-0403 Iehovah-Jireh #2


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64-0403 Jeová-Jiré #2


64-0403 Иегова-Ире #2


64-0403 Jehová-Jireh #2


64-0403 Jehovah-Jireh #2


64-0403 Jehova-Jayira #2


64-0403 Yehova-Yire #2


64-0403 Jehovah-Jireh #2


64-0403 Jehova-Jire #2


64-0403 Jehofa-Motlamedi #2


64-0403 UJehova-Jira #2