The Love Letter

So often, we want the Lord to come down in a Pillar of Fire and tell us, “Everything is ok… This is My will… Keep moving forward…” But God doesn’t often do things that way. Usually, it’s a still small voice or a little sign that says, “I’m with you, My beloved son or daughter.” It’s a love letter between the Groom and the Bride.

How many times has God sent us a subtle love letter, and we missed it?

This sister didn’t miss her love letter. It came in the form of a special little bird.

God is in nature! And sometimes He uses the nature to speak to us. In Norway we do not have the robin, but we have another bird with red chest, just smaller than the robin. It has the same story as the robin, about Jesus on the cross.

Early this spring I was outdoors and working in my garden. It was such nice weather and I was so happy. Then I heard a bird singing so loud just nearby and I looked; it was this bird that we call "rødstrupe," like your robin! I stood there and looked at it for a while and I thought it was so special.

When I was finish with my work outside I went in and looked up branham.org. And what did I see! An article about the robin! Wow, then it became even more special! I told it to my husband. Then some weeks later you posted a testimony from a sister in England. She had almost the same story as me. I had to smile. And now this testimony about the robin on the roof of the car. Think about that. God can use whatever He would like to speak to us. A little bird with red chest. That makes Him so great to me!

God bless you!

Your sister in Christ


Second email from Sister Irene:

I just had to write to you again. I wrote to you yesterday about the Norwegian robin. I ended the letter with that small things make God so great to me. Today it happened something special again.

It's actually a very sad day today. We had to say goodbye to our dog. She was nine years old this summer and a very happy, loving dog. Several kids that were afraid of dogs overcame their fear because of her. But now she was so sick that we had to say goodbye.

Our three girls and I were outside with her this morning, crying, and hugging her. Suddenly a Norwegian robin came and landed just about two meters away from us. The bird was there in our backyard, back and forth all the time.

Some hours later, my husband and I buried our dog in the woods just behind our house, and we were so sad. When we came back to our house the robin sat on top of a heart, braided out of willow branches! We just stopped and looked at it. It was so special. Again, those small things make God so great to me!

Your sister, Irene
