The Right Choice

How do we know when God gives us our answer? We have a need, we pray, the answer comes, and it’s that simple. Right? Not necessarily.

When we have a need, then we place that need before the Lord with the confidence that He will answer. When the answer comes, then we check that answer with the Word to make sure the answer came from God. Brother Branham told us that his visions never failed, but even with the infallibility of his visions, he still checked them with the Word.

The first thing when somebody tells me, or I pick up on a recording that I have seen a vision and foretold something; before I say anything about the vision, anything, first I check that vision with the Word of God. And if it isn’t according to the Word of God, I’d say--I’d say it’s... So far, thanks be to God, it’s always been according to the Word. But if it’d ever be contrary to the Word of God, I’d say, "Don’t listen to it, because it’s false." This is the Truth right here, the Word of God.

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How much more should we check our leadings and decisions with the Word every step of the way? We may be going down a certain path, doing our best to find the Will of God, but are we willing to change directions if He leads? This sister and her family couldn’t make ends meet, then God seemed to send them the answer to their problems. When they checked it with the Word, their “answered prayer” took on a little different meaning.

I had this testimony a while now but just haven’t taken the time to write.

Some weeks ago (in May) I was praying about our family’s impossible financial situation, and I was telling the Lord that no matter how impossible it was, I still believed that He could help us.

I attend a “bread, cakes and pastries” class, and that same day some visitors to the class spoke to us about a business called (she lists the name of the business). It was not the first time that I heard about this multi-level marketing business, but because of the prayer I prayed that morning, I was a little more receptive of it.

Well, time will fail to tell of all the factors influencing our decision, but we borrowed money and joined the business, trusting that certain signs along the way was God’s leadership.

I already had one meeting to launch my business on Monday June 9th and, getting positive feedback and a healthy dose of confidence, I was poised for a grand meeting at my home on June 13th.

On the eve of the meeting on June 12th, I didn’t even stop to read the quote of the day, I had too much to do, but I tried to be early at church that day so I could pray about the matter a little more.

While praying, my husband arrived at church and soon touched me on the shoulder, and motioned to the projector screen. There in black and white stood the Quote Of The Day. I hadn’t even noticed.

Believers should never gamble. "Oh, well, this is all right. I will take the chance on it." Don’t you do. There’s a pattern laid down, a definitely thing, and it doesn’t belong in any certain group of people. It’s God’s Word. Don’t gamble on That. Now, don’t take chances. And another thing I notice among people sometime, especially in... A man will get ahold of a little money, and then he will try to invest it in some kind of a get rich overnight, some unidentified business. You will lose the shirt off your back, and you know that. See? Don’t you try that. And a good, sensible, thinking businessman won’t do that. It’s somebody who’s green at the job will take a chance like that. It never pays off.

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Everything just flipped over inside of me. I thought, “Oh God, I rented chairs and invited so many people and made so many plans. How can I turn back now?” But then I thought, “It’s alright, it's better to be in God’s will than anything else.”

After quiet time on Saturday, I called and cancelled everything. A few people, who I didn’t get a chance to contact, still came but we just ate and fellowshipped. They were amazed at the Quote Of The Day, even one who had no knowledge of the Message or VGR or anything.

God’s Word is always just on time, and, strangely, I’m not even discouraged. I’m just glad that God thought of me.

Sister Nicole