
What could make a mother more desperate than helplessly watching her baby slip away? In that desperate situation, this sister cried out to the Lord, and He gave her the faith to believe.

On November 5th, my 3-year old son, Samuel, was healed of meningitis. This is how it happened.

My son woke up feeling bad. He cried a lot during breakfast, did not seem to have any energy. I laid him on the couch where he stayed for a while. After a while, it became obvious that my son was not well at all. He could not stand up, could not talk, could not interact. His neck seemed stiff.

I was starting to get really worried, so I called my husband and told him to come, so we could go to the hospital. We prayed together and Samuel seemed to be feeling better. I told him to go back to work, that it would be okay.

After my husband left, Samuel got worse. He started whining on the couch. It was a very hard whine to hear, he seemed to be suffering. I called my husband right away so he would come back. My son was laying in my arms, his neck so stiff he could not move, whining.

On the way to the hospital, Samuel got really bad. He could not move and I was somehow panicking, so I was crying and forgot the main thing to do: PRAY, and right away.

At the hospital, we saw a nurse right away. When she saw Samuel and his symptoms, she immediately told us she was fetching the doctor. The doctor came and she examined him. She was really young, and we could see she was panicking. She spoke the words 'Bacterial Meningitis' and my heart sank. My heart was beating so fast, I don't know where I found the strength to just stand up and listen.

She told us to come with her to a room where she immediately put my son on an IV with antibiotics for the meningitis. She was 99.9% sure that it was meningitis or a brain hemorrhage. She started an IV to hydrate my son since he was really dehydrated. Then she took his vital signs. They were not good at all. His blood pressure was dropping at 68/38, his pulse was at 160, and his oxygen saturation was at 88%. He was not moving at all, he seemed to be dying.

We were transferred to a bigger hospital right away. The ambulance was told to get there as soon as we could. The doctor went along with us, so she could act in case Samuel got worse. That's when I started to pour my heart out to God. Everything happened so quickly, but in that ambulance, I started to really pray.

When we arrived at the hospital, Samuel was immediately taken care by a team of doctors and nurses. His vital signs still were not good. The doctor told us she did not know what was going to happen. Everything could happen, even him dying, because bacterial meningitis kills children each year. It is a serious disease.

Meanwhile, I prayed like I had never prayed before. And then, faith really anchored in my heart. I KNEW my son was going to be healed, completely, totally.

They went right away to do a lumbar puncture and a scan on my son. The doctor came back astonished, the liquid was clear, which meant my son did not have meningitis! And then she came back again and told me he did not have any hemorrhage; his brain was healthy! We started praising God and rejoicing.

They ran every test they could on my son. He had NOTHING. He laid on the bed for 3 days, could not walk. He started talking, started moving. After 3 days, he started running. The doctors did not know what to say. They said he was a mystery. But I knew. My son was healed of meningitis, and it was all for God's glory. It changed our lives, changed everything. PRAISE GOD!

Sister Marie-Pier
