The Power Of Prayer

Is there still power in prayer? The answer is a most-definite YES, as you will read from this testimony.

First off, I would like to start by saying thank you and God bless you for all of the work that you do. As a new believer to the Message, Voice of God has helped me to learn so much about our prophet, Brother Branham, and the Message God sent to us through him. I have enjoyed reading all of the testimonies of the miraculous healings that have occurred. They have inspired me to want to share my story.

I can't say that I have always done the right things in my life. In fact, I have made some pretty bad choices and done a lot that I am not proud of. However, despite all of this, God saw fit to bless me with four precious little boys. The last two came as a set of twins. Nathaniel and Nicholas were born in August of 2005. All appeared well for the first few months. At a routine checkup, the pediatrician noticed that Nathaniel's head was growing rapidly and was much larger than it should be. He ordered a CT scan to be done. The results did reveal that he had hydrocephaly, or fluid pockets collecting around his brain. As a mother, I was devastated. I immediately began praying and begging for God to help my baby. The idea of a brain surgery was out of the question.

A local pastor, Brother Eddie, heard about Nathaniel and asked if he could come to pray for him. We met at my grandmother's home. We proceeded to pray and ask Jesus to remove the water from Nathaniel's head. Soon after our prayer, the baby fell asleep in my arms with his head resting on my chest. As we had fellowship with (the pastor), we began to notice that my shirt underneath Nathaniel's head was soaking wet. At a closer look, we saw wrinkles on his forehead and at the back of his head. Just moments earlier, the skin had been tight from all of the swelling. We then knew what had happened. My baby had been healed.

A few months later, we followed up with a neurosurgeon who ordered another scan. This time it was revealed that all of the fluid was gone. We already knew this, of course. He immediately discharged Nathaniel and said that everything looked wonderful. He stated that we did not need to see him anymore because there was nothing wrong. Nathaniel is now about to turn 9 years old and will tell anyone who asks that Jesus healed his head.

I know this is just one of the many times that God has performed miracles in my life. I am thankful that He has always been there to guide and protect my family, even when I clearly did not deserve it. I am blessed to have been introduced to the Message and pray that I can continue to learn and grow by it. Thank you again for all that you do and God Bless.

Amy K.