A Very Present Help

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Psalm 46:1

Not many things in this world are stronger than a parent’s love for a child. When our loved ones are in trouble, having that lifeline to the Throne is worth everything.

The Lord is so good to us every day. Today my daughter was shutting one of the doors in the house, and her little brother (learning to walk) happened to have his hand in the crack of the door as she was shutting it.

As I was talking, I heard a loud cry and looked behind me, seeing him fall to the floor. His sister was scared, so she moved out of the way, and I said, “No, no, no, baby come over here and hold my hand.” I saw his little ring finger, and it was bent the opposite direction, and it was red and blue. I grabbed my hand in his hand and grabbed her hand as well and prayed to Jesus.

As we finished praying, I told my husband, and he joined in prayer as well and not looking at my son’s hand the entire time. When I pulled away after we prayed and Glory to God, his hand was normal.

I know He is with you,

Sister Jerde