This Is My Story, This Is My Song, Part 3

We conclude with the third and final part of our sister’s testimony.

I received the Holy Spirit in 1982, and the following year the Lord sent me to a very dear elder sister, Sister Lillian Wolff. She had recently moved from Des Moines, Iowa and bought a home within a couple blocks from the Branham Tabernacle. I was hired to come five days out of the week to help Sis. Lillian.

She lived with her daughter, Frances Wolff, who was a schoolteacher in the Christian Alliance Church located in Louisville, KY. Sis. Wolff told me of the meetings in Des Moines, Iowa where Bro. Branham preached a series of services titled, “The Topeka Kansas Series.” Sis. Wolff had been given a prayer card the evening Bro. Branham preached, “A Man Running from the Presence of God.”

She never used that prayer card as she was called out under discernment. She was told of her affliction that was written on the prayer card. She suffered from a kidney ailment known as Uremia. The Lord healed Sis. Wolff and also a friend that she brought with her suffering from nervousness.

I worked for Sis. Wolff preparing meals, doing housework, lawn care, and picking her up for church. The last time I saw her I was taking her home from church in the evening. I escorted her to the door and as we said goodbye, I called out, “I’ll see you in the morning.” The Lord called her home the next day. We were blessed with four years together.

I stayed beside her daughter, helping prepare things for the auction as the home, and all of its contents, were going to be sold. At the day of the auction, I remained there helping in any way I could. At the end of the day and ready to say goodbye, Frances pointed to a box of books that someone left in the yard. She described them as “religious books” and asked me if I would like them. I told her I would and took them home with me. They sat untouched for six months.

One evening I came home tired from work and warm memories came to me about Sis. Wolff. I went to the box of books and pulled one out. I went to recline and when I opened the book out fell a piece of paper.

I looked in astonishment, it was her prayer card!

I could hardly believe my eyes at what my hands were holding. Everything she had shared with me was on that card. I had never seen a prayer card up to that time. I showed it to Bro. Billy Paul and he chuckled about his writing. It was hardly legible, but he recognized the letters and pointed them out to me.

I thought of how our Lord Jesus had preserved this prayer card for my own keeping as a reminder of “His wonders to perform.” I might add here that I was blessed to be a part of her life. She loved to have me walk to the church with her to take Brother Billy Paul her tithes. They would sit and talk about the Lord as I listened to the many things God had done in our generation. I never added much nor talked during those visits as they were for her, and I benefitted listening. Praise the Lord!

Ironically, 41 years later from the day I was prayed for at the church service July 25, 1965, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy, our second son. I had told my father years before he died that if I ever had another boy I would name him after him.

Our little Theodore William “Teddy” came along in God’s great timing; July 25th, 2006. I think this was special for his birth date. Not only did God heal me but wonderfully preserve me to raise a family of three for His glory! I never realized what the Lord had surely done for me as a child until many years later. Though the enemy had plans to stop my life early, the Lord Jesus made a way for me. I appreciate with all my heart what this Message means to me more and more every day. It truly is Life. I’m very thankful for the Voice of God Recordings who faithfully labor for the Lord and who have given me this opportunity to share my testimony, for truly we are strengthened by the words of our testimony. I am so glad that I can say I am One of Them!

I hope your faith was also strengthened for it is in ALL things we give God the glory.

God bless you.

Sis. Lois