A Great Zulu Warrior

It is with heavy hearts that we announce that our Zulu translator, Brother Mbuso “Allison” Mbatha, has gone to be with the Lord. He is our longest serving South African translator, starting his work in 1990.

On September 1, 1974, Brother Allison heard a man preaching under a little tent near Durban. Light struck the predestinated seed and Brother Allison was changed forever.

He first volunteered to help by translating “Satan’s Eden” and “Broken Cisterns” by candlelight. After a request from Brother Joseph to work for us, he left his government job and chose to serve the Bride at VGR.

In 1996, he began pastoring a church in Mtubatuba (about 3 hours north of Durban), and stayed at his post of duty until he was taken Home.

Brother Steven Young took the opportunity to sit down with Brother Allison while he was in Durban for translation work, and learn a little more about his testimony. Here is Brother Steven’s report.

He hails from Kwambonambi, a rural village in Kwazulu Natal Province, South Africa, where he pastor's a local fellowship. He and his wife, Sister Soneni, have been blessed with five children, three boys and two girls.

He double's up his responsibility of being the local pastor with another one of great significance, that is to translate this glorious Message of God into his native tongue. The tremendous responsibility of translating God’s Voice into Zulu is a daunting task, one that He does not take lightly. When I asked him about it, he simply remarked: “It's a calling, Brother.”

One morning, as he walked into the recording studio, I noticed an artist’s depiction of our Lord Jesus at Calvary, printed on the back of his T-shirt. Above the picture was the inscription, “Lolo Suku Ekalvari” (That Day on Calvary).

It won't take you very long to realize what this man is most passionate about. If you somehow fail to notice the print on his shirt, maybe his mobile ring-tone would catch your attention: It is an excerpt from one of the Zulu gap tape (Satan's Eden 65-0829) which includes our prophet’s Voice ringing out with the Zulu interpretation following. There's no doubt about it, this is a real Zulu warrior. He may not carry a spear or a shield, but he is certainly engaged in a heated battle. He relies on the Spiritual Armor of the Word of God (Heb 4:12), which is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword...

In 1995 he was diagnosed with diabetes. This was a definite attempt by the enemy to stop this courageous warrior from getting the Gospel Message to his people. He has undergone two operations over the past few years, one on each eye to remove cataracts, which has developed as a result of the disease. This has greatly affected his ability to read and write, thus causing a serious hindrance to the Zulu translation work. A doctor and fellow brother in Christ, Brother Ruben Naiker then offered treatment to bring the diabetes under control (free of charge). Cataract removal was done by Ngwelezane Hospital.

Since then, his foot has also been affected, with large sores appearing around his left heel and ankle. He has continued translating through it all and is determined to keep pressing on in the battle. He believed that God would heal him and that amputation would not be needed. He has since recovered remarkably well, leaving only a wound the size of a coin on his left ankle. He gives all the glory to the Lord for the wonderful work He has done in his life.

He related the joy it brought to his soul when a brother approached him, thanking him for the Zulu translations. He went on to tell how that he was attending a Message church that communicated in English only, and that it all seemed foreign to him until he listened to the Zulu gap tape, “Desperations 63-0901e.” It was then that he understood and was baptized in Christian Baptism.

As we fellowship around the Word on our way to drop him off at the airport, I couldn't help noticing his eyes welling up. It's plain to see that this Message is still very dear to his heart. He is not ashamed of this glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ, on the contrary, he has dedicated his life to spreading It abroad. He, like the heroes of Hebrews chapter eleven, has forsaken the treasures of this world, and has taken the side of the Lord's despised few.

Bro Allison, may your testimony read like that of the heroes of our faith: By Faith, Allison, esteemed the privilege of translating this Glorious Message of Jesus Christ, greater riches than the treasures of Laodicea.

God bless,

Brother Steven Young

Our dear brother will be greatly missed. His legacy is one that compares well with the heroes of the Bible. He translated 215 sermons and recorded 186 for God’s children. He has an additional 100 translations finished and awaiting final check.

Please remember his wife of 29 years, his three sons, and his two daughters in your prayers. Our brother was 60 years old.