Give Up?

There is a common bond between the Bride of Christ that the world can never imagine. It is something that binds us together, and although we may only be aquaintences, we feel as if we have known each other for our entire lives. When we say "Brother" or "Sister", we truly know the meaning behind those words. The following report from our Holland office tells of how when one member of the Body of Christ suffers, we come together in prayer and claim those promises that Jesus, Himself, gave us. 

Here's a testimony of Brother Herbert Lehmann from Braunschweig, Germany, whom we visited last Sunday.

Brother Lehmann had been seriously ill with kidney problems and other complications. He has been in and out of the hospital for emergency operations and had lost a lot of weight. Doctors had given him little hope that he would make it.

We have been in close contact over the phone, sent a prayer request to Voice Of God in Jeffersonville, and many believers have been remembering our brother in prayer while he was going through this difficult time.

Sometimes you have done everything you can do and still, He lays silent. Sometimes it seems like things may even get worse before they get better. It looked like at one time that our brother would not make it through this difficult time in his life. The enemy tried to tell our brother, "Why don't you just give up?" But something inside of him told him not to let go, and our brother got the victory and held on!

Brother Branham said:

May this go way down deep and never move from you, Branham Tabernacle. If you've met God's requirements, and in your heart you believe that He is, God is only testing your faith, for He loves to do that. You've confessed your sin and you've met every requirement that God requires, and still He lays silent, remember, faith says that He is. Then faith holds onto it, not knowing what it's all about, but it knows that He is, and it's certain that He is.

59-0125 Be Certain Of God

As our brother's health miraculously improved, we felt led to go see the Lehmanns again. Whenever we got together in past times we have always enjoyed the fellowship with them, and talking about the blessings that we received from this wonderful Message.

Our brother truly was an example for others that were encouraged when he was sharing with them the Message of Malachi 4.

We have known our brother for over 30 some years. My father, Brother Heino Buitenkamp, was also a close friend of Brother Herbert. They always gave us a heartfelt invitation to come see them anytime we are close by, or on our way through or on a missionary trip to Eastern Europe. (Braunschweig is on the main route through Germany on our way to Eastern Europe) Anytime we stopped in for a visit, you would always see a Bible and a Message book lying around somewhere, as Brother Branham mentioned on tape, let me go into your home and see the pictures in your home and what magazines you got lying around in your home.

We knew that Brother Herbert had already been released from the hospital, and to our surprise, he was already up and walking around in the house!

Sister Lehmann cooked a delicious meal for us even though we had specifically mentioned not to worry about food for us. But as always, they take special care of their guests.

He told us how friendly the doctors were, and even one of the nurses that took care of him came in every day an hour earlier before her actual work shift started to give him the care that he needed. Brother Herbert said that they took such good care of him while he was so weak in his body. It reminded him of what Brother Branham said about that cup of water that they give to the Bride of Christ. May the Lord bless them in return!

Brother and Sister Lehmann said that it brought a real closeness in the family as they were going through this. They had never prayed like that before with the family and it brought them all so much closer together in a time of desperation!

We were really blessed and encouraged to see what the Lord had done and seen our brother have an appetite for his natural food, again, but more so even for the Spiritual Food that God provided for this day.

Before we left, we were so glad to show them the VGR website, showing them how they can find new audio and PDF messages in their own German language. It was a joy for us to leave them with the Spiritual Food that God has provided for this day!

God bless you

Bro. Gerald

VGR Europe

You might have lost your health. You might have lost your fellowship. Take Him at His Word. Be certain that He's God. The gloomy times that's looking now, may not look so gloomy if you'll just take His Word and be certain that He's God.

In Germany, once, I saw a picture, and it always stuck with me. A German painter has painted the…a picture that's-that's called "The Cloud Land." And when you see it, off at a distance, it's the horriblest-looking gloom you ever seen. Just clouds matted together, when you're looking at it from a long distance. But when you get real close to it, it changes. It's Angels' wings beating together, singing hallelujahs to the Lord. So that's what gloom is sometime. If you look at it, a long distance, it looks gloomy and dark. But take God at His Word and be certain that He's God, and move up close to it, you'll find out it's just Angels' wings a-beating together.

59-0125 Be Certain Of God