More Precious Than Gold

God doesn't make any difference between His children. Every son that cometh to God must first be tried or chastised. You get it? First be tried, or chastened, corrected, child trained, schooled, everyone not one exception, every son… Have you went through trials? Have you went through tribulation? Have you suffered persecution? Then you're endure these things, you are real children of God.

But when you can't bear chastisement, when the rod comes down heavy, and you run off and back into the world, the Bible said you're illegitimate children and not the children of God. For when a man's born of the Spirit of God, he expects those things, and he loves those things.

And the Bible said that the trials that come upon us, fiery trials, is more precious than gold to us. Think of it.

56-0223 God's Covenant With Abraham And His Seed

Each of us can look into our past and see that God always had a plan for us, and every step we made was ordained of the Lord. Even our mistakes or those fiery trials that we all suffer are more precious than gold to us, because they are testing and building our faith in none other than Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

We all go through times like this sister went through. Things keep piling up and we ask ourselves, "What more can go wrong?" Then, more goes wrong. She gives us a good example of keeping our heads up, because we know that our redemption is drawing nigh.

Brother Branham said trials are more precious than gold.

Some people would say that I'm a nervous person, and when things get rough I stress out just a little. I'm learning to lean on Jesus, that's for sure.

The last two weeks have been trial after trial. Every day seems like the devil is just waiting to add something negative to my life.

It started out with small things, like a diamond fell out of my ring. And then to bigger things like my son getting his eye scratched and my dishwasher leaking. Normally, I would be starting to panic and getting stressed out, but all I have been saying for the last two weeks is praise the Lord, begin to work on a Tape Quiz for the kids, or I've testified that all the promises I know will happen.

I know why these things are happening, and I couldn't be happier. Satan is so unhappy that me and my family are just getting closer and closer to the Lord everyday!

I hope this encourages the Bride of Christ that no matter how big or small your trials are, just keep pressing play and pressing forward.

God Bless You!

Sister Elise