Extra, Extra, I’m Healed

It seems like whatever trouble we may be having, there is something in the Bible or Brother Branham's Message that encourages us to keep pressing the battle. We have no problems that He has not already solved.

This young soldier took a well known story and applied it in her own life. As you will read, the results of her faith produced the same outcome as it did for Brother John Rhyn that day sitting in the barber’s chair.

I am 9 years old. After church on a Sunday, while my dad was vacuuming, I began coughing. I thought it would just go away, but instead it got worse and worse.

At prayer time I asked my dad to remember me in our family prayer. I went to bed still feeling unwell. When I woke up, the cough became so bad I couldn't sneeze! 

Afterwards, I had my breakfast then went to rest. While lying down something told me to read Psalms 18:6 which said:

In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.

After I read the Scripture, I was reminded about Brother John Rhyn, and I started to shout, "Extra, Extra I'm healed!" I kept saying it over and over again. Suddenly I felt the pain fading away, I was healed. Praise the Lord! The same God who healed Brother John Rhyn, can still do the same today!


Sister Sarah

England, UK