Greetings in that Name above ALL names, The Name of Jesus Christ. Tonight, I want to share an account of a very unique opportunity God granted me, to be His witness. I trust it will be a blessing to you.
On my visit to Jeffersonville in September, 2016, someone remarked how blessed I am, as a teacher, to have the freedom to speak about my spiritual beliefs. This is a liberty, which does not exist in America. I have even greater privilege, because of my status as a private tutor and sometimes get to speak to my classes and connect with the children in informal ways.
The accompanying photo, was taken yesterday evening, during my English class. Please excuse my handwriting (I write really awfully on a whiteboard because of the inadequate friction). Let me describe the scenario.
Since the anniversary of The Pillar of Fire photo being taken with Bro. Branham, I felt led to take it to class and show my students. I had a desire to honor that day and this incredible thing that our Lord did, to vindicate His servant. But, I am pretty scatterbrained and kept forgetting it at home, but still, God's timing is perfect. We are sure of this.
I did, however, mention it to a few of my older students, who spend a lot of time with me and showed the picture to them.
Whenever we review the different types of essays that they are required to write, I usually do a sample paragraph, on the spot, to encourage them and demonstrate how simple the exercise is (they love to complain and easily admit defeat). So, we were writing expository essays and we are only allowed to write factual information and explain about our chosen topics.
I had a migraine, so I wrote a paragraph about those. But, something made me go back to do a second paragraph on another topic. These must be done without injecting our opinion, but I had the kids write about topics that they loved or felt passionately about.
They all thought I would write about my husband. One of the older girls, Nyala, asked, "Why don't you write about church?" This is the same student, who, when I couldn't think of the best place I'd ever visited, for descriptive essay writing two weeks earlier, exclaimed, "Obviously, Jeffersonville!" She was right. They really do pay attention!
I went up to the board and began to write. At first, I couldn't think of exactly what to focus on and put my head against the board. Then, it dawned on me. Why do I believe what I believe? It's because of Brother Branham's ministry. I knew about Christianity before, but was never convicted until I encountered this precious Message that God gave to His Prophet.
They immediately began conversing about it, while I wrote. When I finished, I showed them the photograph of Bro. Branham on my phone. It was the most important lesson I ever gave in my career and I want to thank God for such an amazing opportunity to introduce this Message to my children.
I may not be able to preach or have children of my own just yet (someday by God's Grace), but I can live a Christian life that reflects The God in Whom I believe.
The children wrote descriptions of me for another exercise, a few weeks ago. Most of them spoke about how I dress, Godly standards I set out for them and my deep, spiritual beliefs.
I was very touched and expressed to them that everything about me which they love, is because of The God I serve and His Word. This Message has transformed me. The Lord Jesus Christ is my Everything. Daily I fail Him, but in times like these, I am so thankful that He can use me to be His witness.
One of my greatest desires is for others to see Christ in me and for the salvation of these loving children. I believe He planted a Seed.
I believe He directed me to write the second sample about Brother Branham, because the first one was about migraines and they are caused by the enemy; we know that. Why give Satan the attention?
After class, we all went for a walk and He granted me healing and relief from the headache. It was so bad earlier, that I didn't even want to have class today, because I felt I could not function.
Come to think of it, the students were unusually calm today, even the more disruptive ones. It is truly miraculous how quickly Jesus can change the atmosphere, in any situation.
Your sister by Grace,