April Quiz Messages

For the month of April, we will continue with the Seven Seal series by listening to the Fifth and Sixth Seal, and taking the tape quizzes. We will be learning all about the abomination of desolation, the souls under the altar, the Judgment Seal, the tribulation period, and so much more! It truly is an exciting time for the Bride of Christ, as God is revealing His perfect Word to our hearts, and preparing us for His soon coming! 

And by seeing those Seals revealed, and the great things that’s taken place right here in the last few years, I believe with all my heart that the door of mercy is beginning to close, and You’re ready to take Your journey now to redeem Your people.

The tape quizzes for 63-0322 and 63-0323 will be available for the entire month of April for anyone to take and submit your scores. You can CLICK HERE to view the quiz page.

God bless you,

Young Foundations