Aortic Aneurysm

Praise the Lord. I would like to give my testimony of being able to use the prayer cloths. Thanksgiving day while eating, I started having pain in my back. Throughout the day and into the evening, the pain severely grew. Friday morning I felt much better.

In the afternoon in my mailbox I found the bookmark prayer cloths, and placed them in my Bible in Acts 19. Saturday, I still was feeling pain, so I pinned the prayer cloth under my shirt and over my heart. The pain continued and I wore the prayer cloth Sunday night as I went to bed. Through the day Monday, the pain continually got worse. Tuesday morning, still wearing my prayer cloth, my wife and I decided to drive to the hospital, but as I was backing up in the driveway, I vomited and passed out. My wife then checked for a pulse and heartbeat, but found none. My wife quickly went back into the house to dial 911, but left the passenger door open. A cold breeze blowing through brought me back to consciousness.

When my wife saw me sitting and aware of my surroundings, I told her we should drive to the hospital immediately and cancel the ambulance. My wife drove us to Southview Hospital, where staff quickly wheeled me into the Emergency Room. A full-body CAT scan revealed a monster aortic aneurysm. As I was prepped, Grandview Hospital was contacted to prepare for my arrival for emergency surgery. A three- to four-inch aneurysm had ruptured in the aorta vein. There were three units of blood bursted from the aneurysm, running loose in my body where it should not be, which they had to flush out.

The doctor said 75% of the people that this happens to never make it to the hospital. After surgery, the surgeon told my wife that I probably wouldn't live, but if I did, He was 100% sure my kidneys would be damaged because of the blood drip and heavy dye. He also said that he saw something he had never witnessed, the rupture of the aneurysm was closing back up and sealing the opening. He felt to put a stint over the aneurysm to secure the rupture. My wife telephoned another brother, who immediately texted a prayer request to Brother Joseph. Four days later, I was released from the hospital ICU with no problems.

The kidney doctor informed us that my kidneys suffered no damage, and told me twice that I was their miracle patient. THANK YOU LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Your brother in Christ,

Carter Hall
