
The feedback function of this website is valuable to us, because it gives us a chance to hear what is on your heart and how we can serve you better. We appreciate everyone who takes the time to give us your thoughts and testimonies on the branham.org website.

Here are just a few of the messages that have been sent in from around the world.

We are with you brothers and sisters. Our God is able.

God be with our brothers and sisters, and prepare us for what lays ahead. Bind us all together, give Thy wisdom, courage, and power to all that have to testify in this case! I will really be in prayer about this matter.

Jesus is on trial. In our coming watch night service, we will pray for this matter and believe God will answer.

"Their argument is--is thinner than the broth made out of a shadow of a chicken that starved to death." Now, that's how thin it is. That's right. They just haven't got no legs at all to stand on. No, sir. 53-1112 Demonology

Thank God that you sent this testimony. l'm going through the same thing in middle school as you are. Things were really tough, and I almost thought I could quit school, but this testimony inspires me to look back to God and trust Him.

I just really needed to come across this testimony. Thank you so much Sis. Sarah for sharing it. It just picked me up from the lowest spot I was in.

There are so many that I'm sure feel the same way you do. I also grew up in a church of about 20 members and I attended a non-Christian school; it's tough. It's nice to know there are other believers out there carrying on! You are not alone!

I'm encouraged, motivated by the young sister's testimony. I'll print out "This is me" for my 16-year old daughter. Thank you, Sis. Sarah, for your time to share these words. We are hugely blessed that the lonely are not all alone, God is with us, along with the Heavenly Host.

God is able. Even if she had lost the tooth, I believe God was able to make another one for her.

Wow! Just got back my daughter from a dental surgery a short while ago and it was so good to read this testimony.

Your testimony really beefs up my faith. I went to a prayer line last Sunday in my church for God to give me a new tooth. I have a cavity in one premolar and I cannot afford a root canal. When my healing manifests itself I'll definitely send my testimony to the VGR website!

Such a wonderful testimony sister! Blessed my soul to see our Savior's redeeming love for His children! Thanks for sharing for I'm sure someone is in dire need of this.

Wow, I am literally going/went through the same thing! I was so down and discouraged that I just wanted to leave this earth on my own. Then I remembered God's promise to me, "I will be with you, even in you, until the end of the world." He will not leave, nor forsake me. I stood by His words knowing that he can do anything but fail. He has never failed me and he won't start now. I started to backslide in my spiritual life while the devil was making me think I've reached a place where I can't go back. I use to sing all the time for the Lord, then all of a sudden, I feel no urge to do it anymore. Just like the women who lost one of her ten coins and cleaned the house until she found that one coin, I feel that way now. She didn't mind any visitors or what, but just focused on finding her lost coin. And no matter what it cost me, I will break this silence that the devil has created in my life. I am finding my way back to God. Just trust in Him. And here's a little secret, always keep a positive attitude and worship in your trials, problems, good and bad times. Worship the Lord, for that's the reason He created us for, to worship Him.

Thank you so much for sharing this testimony. It sure does mean a lot. It's like getting a battery recharged after hearing the stories of great Christians.

I battle this same thing that this precious sister did. Her testimony is just so encouraging, and I am going to believe our Lord Jesus will heal me just like this sister did. Please pray for me that our Lord will heal me just the same as He did for our sister. I feel so good.

I love this testimony, it certainly encourages us to keep the Pillar of Fire all around us.

I absolutely love this! It brought to my mind a Bible of mine that my mother gave me for my birthday when I was about 15 or 16. She had written an inscription inside the front cover. It's been missing for probably 20 years now, but this has given me faith to believe that I will find it soon. I don't know how, but I know HE knows right where it is and can bring it to me.

A testimony at the right time for me. I am so encouraged and my faith has been given a boost.

This fills me with fear. Fear and faith cannot co-exist. What does this mean for me? Am I just kidding myself? Is there any hope? Please pray for me.

Everything is fitting together so perfect and in all my 39 years as a believer, I can honestly say God's Word has never been more real or alive than it is right now! It seems like every thought I think while listening to a tape, Bro. Branham will bring out in the next paragraph! I am so excited about our "Future Home" and just pray to be able to witness to as many as possible before that time!

Soon and VERY soon we are going to see our KING!