Letters From Prisoners

Here are a few inspiring excerpts of letters from prisoners we’ve received over the past couple months.

We have been doing well here, knowing that we need to walk a bit closer to the Lord. What a wicked antichrist day. The darker it gets at night, the brighter the stars look reflecting the Son-light.


I’m so grateful for the Message and the Spirit so I can see. Without the light, we can’t see nothing.


Thank you for the Spoken Word books you faithfully send. Though you may not realize what it would be like to not be able to hear the Voice of God as He speaks through Brother Branham on the tapes, I do know. In 13.5 years of being in prison, there have been very few times I have been privileged to hear his voice on the tapes. But I still hear that voice in my mind every time I turn the page of the Spoken Word books and “push play.” > :)


Every book you send, I treasure. Every book you send, I read over and over, unless I have the opportunity to share it with someone else, praying that they, too, will have eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to understand.


The prison ministry the Lord called me to in 2003 has been simply living for the Lord in prison, letting Him live in and through me. It looks like my parole will be granted, but my greatest fear is to be out of God’s Perfect Will by being on parole. I have placed the outcome in His hands. If it is His Will for me to be on parole, I’ve asked that He make it come to pass. If not, to not allow it to happen. I don’t want my heart’s desire to be His permissive will. Pray for me, that the Will of the Lord be done.


I want to thank you for the books you have sent me. They have been a great help to me to understand the spiritual things. The Bible is a spiritual thing and when Brother Branham explains it we can sure understand it.


I have not been baptized yet. I am new in Christ and currently I am at a detention center. When I was living on the streets I attended a church, but they told me there was not such a thing as baptism today. I did not understand what they told me but now the Lord has opened my eyes through the sermons you have sent me. I would really like to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus, as I understand it is an order from God.


I’ve moved again. I’m here to take a program that I was not willing to take for nine years. It’s a carnal program of psychology, and we know there’s no program that can change the human heart, except Christ. Psychology takes you backward into your sin, which I don’t like.


I’d like to thank all of you there for continuing to send out the messages of Mr. William Branham. Truly, Almighty God used him in a mighty way and saw fit to also bless me with the truth he preached all over the world. The message he preached has been, and still is, a major factor in my life as it truly should be.


I’m done, I can’t handle no more whippings, the chastenings of the Lord as I have had over the years. But it’s been an emptying of the world and stubborn ways which Almighty God has had to take out of me and continues each day to break me more and reveal so much more to me.