It’s Settled

And it shall come to pass in that day, I will hear, saith the LORD, I will hear the heavens, and they shall hear the earth;

Hosea 2:21

The Word of God is eternal. What does that mean to us? It means that we can claim every story in the Bible as our own. David killing Goliath has applications in our lives when we come against insurmountable odds, but trust in the power of the Lord Jesus. The resolve of Saul of Tarsus changing course in his life when seeing the Revelation for his day. We can see ourselves in Peter as he fails over and over but finally rises to the occasion. 

If Brother Branham preached the Word (and he did!), then we can also claim what he said as our own, for today. This family applied the Word for their son and found the faith needed to bring them through the trials.

We have a testimony to give to the Bride of Jesus Christ about our son, Jeriel.

Last October we had an appointment set for our son to see his dentist. At the appointment, the X-ray showed that the majority of our son's teeth were severely damaged by decay and needed a treatment.

The dentist let us know the level of damage in our son's teeth, and anxiety of being at a dentist office due to his age, the right option would be dental surgery under a general anesthesia.

His dentist said that due to the risk that might occur with general anesthesia, the surgery will take place at the hospital.

We returned home disappointed with his dentist's decision, so we contacted his primary care provider and she joined with the dentist's opinion.

They set the surgery date for December 6th. We still were not convinced to let our son go under general anesthesia simply for teeth treatment. We have seen plenty sad stories going on in the news about parents losing their kids at the dentist office due to all risky anesthesia.

Some dentists were so focused on the teeth that they didn't pay attention to the vital signs of the kids. All that made us fear before a big trial to decide whether or not we should go for the surgery.

The testimony of little Hadassah had encouraged us a lot, the way the Lord kept her under a 10 hours anesthesia. We had to go only for 1hr 15 min, so I felt so strong and we decided to go for it. Still in our hearts we were not satisfied. We were still praying God to give us an answer whether we should go for surgery or change the dentist.

We tried changing a dentist, but it didn't work to get a new one at that time. We said to ourselves that we don't have to trust a certain dentist for success, we trust God no matter who touches our son. When God's hand is upon him, no harm will happen to him. We were praying from October 2018, we wanted something real that it was God who spoke to us to take a risky decision.

One morning, on December 3rd 2018, three days before the surgery, we were still waiting on the Lord to speak to us.

Around 3:00am that morning, I read the quote of the day from the Voice of God website to start my day. I noticed on the “On This Day” list there was a sermon of the prophet, "Testimony (Raising Dead Boy)" preached on 53-0312.

I love sermons about testimonies, so decided to read it. I went on the Table app to search for the sermon. I was looking for the sermon preached on 53-0312, but until this day, I still don't know how I ended up reading the testimony of 53-0510. I didn't even pay attention that the dates were different, as it's the same sermon title.

I started reading, it was a blessing for the next two hours until at 5:00am in the morning, when I was at the end of the sermon, there came the discernment part:

Come, sir. You believe, sir? I believe I find a true heart in you. You believe me to be God’s prophet? I never seen you or heard of you in my life. But it’s not for you, it’s for this baby. Is that right? That baby’s been under surgery, operation for a tumor. It’s got another one. And that tumor is inside of its mouth, in its jaw. Is that right? And haven’t you been writing or corresponding to somebody about… Is—is that right? That’s right. Yes, sir. And you was advised to come here and find out about the operation for the baby. I’m not reading your mind, brother, but God’s Spirit is here.

Lord God, Creator of heavens and earth, bless this baby and this man…?… may the surgery be successful, may the baby be normal in Jesus Christ’s Name…?…

53-0510 Testimony

Oh, my brothers, something struck me! I said to myself, “Wait a minute, it's similar to our situation.” I said, “Oh, thank you, God, You spoke to us through your prophet, and for me it’s settled. The operation will be successful.”

We praised God for speaking to us.

That morning, December 6th, 2018 we arrived at 8am at the hospital. Our little Jeriel's dental surgery for his full mouth rehabilitation process was a complete success!

We thank God for His mercy and Love, and we also thank the Bride of Christ who prayed for us too as we sent a prayer request at the Voice of God.

We praise God for this Message stored for us in the tapes for our solution at any time, for whatever problem we have. We strongly believe in the Word of God in the tapes being our absolute.

Brother Fabrice
