In 1947, a group called the Chicago Atomic Scientists created a symbol that represents the countdown to a global catastrophe. What’s a global catastrophe? Back then, all eyes were on a nuclear holocaust. In fact, the founding fathers of the Chicago Atomic Scientists worked on the development of the first atomic bomb, called the Manhattan Project. The clock started at seven minutes to midnight in 1947, but quickly went to three minutes in 1949 after the Soviet Union tested their first atomic bomb and started the nuclear arms race.
The closest the clock has been to doomsday was in 1953, when the clock went to two minutes. The move was a result of the United States testing its first thermonuclear device (much more powerful than the original atomic bomb), and then the Soviet Union testing their own version. Brother Branham referred to this in the sermon “The Second Coming Of The Lord.”
If the scientific world has said “the clock has went around until it's three minutes before midnight,” and I think they've cut that down now till about one minute before midnight, when they discovered hydrogen or oxygen, atomic, and all those great powers that they could harness, could completely cause a total annihilation in five minute's time. They could, absolutely tonight, not be one living person on the entire North American continent in thirty minutes. And it's laying right in a bunch of infidels’ hands who hate us. And, besides that, we've got barges and ships set, all placed around, on both…through Siberia, over in Hungary, and different places, where our ships are setting, loaded with the same type of missiles.
Brethren, it's later than you think! Sodom and Gomorrah little knew, that night, that they were living their last hour. Little did Egypt know that the death angel, that had been predicted to come, would come that night. Little did Pearl Harbor realize that raid that took place. We are weighed in the balance and found wanting! We are near the end time!
57-0417 The Second Coming Of The Lord
Recently, the scientists have included some other things into their doomsday calculations. New developments in life sciences (genetically modified organisms, new diseases, artificial intelligence (robots), etc.) and global warming are now being integrated into the predictions.
On January 26, 2017, the doomsday clock ticked all the way to two-and-a-half minutes to midnight. It is the second closest to midnight the clock has ever moved, and the first time they have used a half-minute. The group’s rationale for the move was, “…a rise of strident nationalism worldwide, United States President Donald Trump's comments over nuclear weapons, and the disbelief in the scientific consensus over climate change by the Trump Administration.” They may not know exactly why, but there is an uneasy feeling among the nations of the world that something is about to happen. We have a simple answer for them: SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!
Here are a few facts that should push the clock forward another couple minutes: Israel is in her homeland for the first time in more than two thousand years. God sent the forerunner of the return of Christ according to Malachi 4. That forerunner prophesied of his Message being sent around the world, driverless cars, skeptics rising up, immorality, complete insanity, and many other things that are happening before our eyes. The hands of God’s clock are getting dangerously close to midnight, and the Bride is taking notice.