Month In Pictures

Here are some pictures from our representatives around the world.

South America


1 - Argentina

Agapao tablet given to an elderly couple in Argentina.



1 - Cameroon

Creations class on the Eagles Gathering Together in Yaoundé, Cameroon.


2 - Cameroon

Many brothers and sisters in Cameroon were very excited to gather and participate in Creations projects at the Christmas holiday. As you can see, they did a wonderful job!


3 - Cameroon

A small group of brothers and sisters from Cameroon gathered on January 2nd, 2022 to participate in the Speak The Word Creations project.


4 - Equatorial Guinea

The brothers and sisters from a church in Bata, Equatorial Guinea recently gathered to participate in a Creations activity.


5 - Gabon

The tapeboys were in Gabon, witnessing and sharing this End-Time Message to the people in the city of Ntoum.


6 - Ivory Coast

A tapeboy in the Ivory Coast recently witnessed to a Muslim man and introduced him to the Message. After speaking to them again at a later time, both he and his wife were baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and they have been listening to the Tapes every day.


7 - Madagascar

Baptism in Antananarivo, Madagascar.


8 - Madagascar

First wave of Agapao Tablets arriving in Antananarivo, Madagascar.


9 - Republic of Congo

Creations class on the Eagles Gathering Together in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo.


10 - Republic of Congo

Bro. Brayane recently went on a missionary trip to a prison in Ouesso, Republic of Congo, where he played for the prisoners the message Teaching On Moses. After the Tape, about 30 prisoners were baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. They then returned to the prison and held a second service. This time they watched The Deep Calleth To The Deep video and 44 prisoners responded to the call.


11 - Tanzania

Agapao Tablet follow-up trip to Handeni, Tanzania.


12 - Togo

Some brothers recently went on a missionary trip to Adokpoe, Togo, where they introduced Young Foundations and Tape quizzes to the brothers and sisters. Then they all feasted upon the Word by listening to the tape, 61-1231m You Must Be Born Again.


13 - Zimbabwe

Baptism in Zimbabwe.


14 - Zambia

Agapao Tablet distribution in Kapiri, Zambia.


15 - Zambia

Agapao Tablet distribution in Luanshya, Zambia.


16 - Zambia

Agapao Tablet distribution in Chambishi, Zambia.


17 - Zambia

Agapao Tablet distribution in Kalulushi, Zambia.


18 - Zambia

Agapao Tablet distribution in Ndola, Zambia.


19 - South Africa

Agapao Tablet distribution trip in Lesotho, South Africa.


North America


1 - Canada

A few young sisters from the province of Quebec found the Red Hots recipe and decided to prepare them!


Central America


1 - El Salvador

Agapao Tablet update and follow-up trip from El Salvador. Tablet distribution to new families.


2 - Mexico

Believers visiting the VGR office in Mexico City to receive their Agapao Tablets.


3 - Mexico

Agapao Tablet update and follow-up trip in La Laguna, Northern Mexico.


4 - Panama

Believers receiving tablets from Brother Alfonso Smith at the VGR office in Panama.




1 - India

Recently a Missionary Brother in India travelled to two locations in and near New Delhi to introduce the Message to several Pentecostal Churches. After hearing The Word, a number of souls were baptized.


2 - Philippines

Tablet distribution in Taysan, Legaspi, Philippines.


3 - Philippines

Tablet distribution in Bacacay, Albay, Philippines.


4 - Philippines

Agapao tablet distribution in Ligao City, Albay, Philippines.