It had been over four years since the CTV tour of the South-East Asian nation of Cambodia. I had often opened the cover of the 2013 CTV magazine and praised God for Brother Israel and his wife, thanking the Lord that that there is a witness presenting this Life-giving Message to the people of Cambodia. It is truly Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever. During our earlier trip to Cambodia, we witnessed the power of God in action. I was excited to think what God may have in store this time - it was far more than I imagined.

It felt good to be back in Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia and to see the smiling faces of the VGR team: Brother Israel the office manager and Brother Kimchheak (a local man who received the truth two years agos) his very able assistant. They soon became close friends. Brother Kimchheack was planning to continue Bible school to obtain his PHD in Theology but changed his mind after receiving the revelation of the truth. He now works shoulder to shoulder with Brother Israel, making an important contribution to the work of the Lord in Cambodia.
The VGR office was abuzz with activity as we were hosting the first Young Foundations event in Cambodia at Kampong Chhnang city, two hour’s drive from the capital. Meeting the local pastor for the first time, I could feel a real bond of love between him and Brother Israel. Brother Israel had introduced the pastor to Brother Branham and had baptized several members of his church in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We were excited as the young people gathered at the hall. The YF event was awesome, with over 30 youth accepting Jesus Christ as their personal saviour. They were baptized the same day. As we reflected on what God had done through the Young Foundation meetings, I could see a smile of satisfaction on Brother Israel’s face, the saving of souls was worth it all. Truly one soul is worth ten thousand worlds!

On Monday we reviewed the distribution outreach with Brother Taingheap. In 1995 Brother Taingheap was baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. He had received the Message from another brother who has since left the country. Three years ago he met Brother Israel in his home town in Prey Veng province. For the past year Brother Taingheap has worked closely with Brother Israel. He is instrumental in reaching out to people in the denominations. Brother Taingheap loves to travel to distribute the books and SD cards in the provinces throughout Cambodia. By God’s grace he has stood firm and receives much persecution about baptizing in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and his stand for the Seventh Angel Messenger.

Watching the tuk-tuk (auto rickshaw) driver as he expertly maneuvered through the heavy traffic, I praised God for the things I had witnessed over the past few days. I felt so happy to know that God is in control. We soon arrived at the VGR office for a meeting with some pastors who lived near the Vietnamese border and had heard the Message from Brother Israel. Brother Raj, a pastor from the Steung Treng Province, was there also. It was a joy to meet the brothers, to express Brother Joseph’s love to them, to share about the work in other nations, and to encourage the pastors to put Brother Branham in the pulpit again. What a wonderful climax, I thought, as the prophet’s voice called out in Cambodia to His Bride that day. The Mighty God Unveiled Before Us!
I see Him, the Mighty God, unveiled. I see Him pull back the creeds, the denominations; pull back the--the skeptics, the educational programs, and everything; walk forward, stand there. You think the creeds could conquer Him? You think the denominations could conquer Him? You think the World Council can conquer Him? He conquered everything, broke every fetter, ripped open hell; tore off the seal, entered into the Holiest of holies; unveiled Himself to us, being the Word, the same yesterday, today, and forever. Amen. I love Him.
We thank the Lord for Brother Joseph’s burden and the burden of believers like you to send this Message to every nation. The Cambodian team express their love and thank you from their hearts for your continued prayers and support.
God bless you
Bro Andrew O’Dwyer
VGR Missionary team